MrBean Member 400 Member For: 18y 9m 25d Location: Melbourne Posted 03/03/09 10:45 AM Author Share Posted 03/03/09 10:45 AM Hey Again Everyone,If there's anyone here that wants to use my carputer component list to build a very future-proof, extremely fast, if slightly pricey carputer, please notify me and I will post all my components codes, etc.I have used nLite on the latest WinXP SP3 to get boot-times down to 22seconds, and can include those settings, which should see you at the same boot-times for the LS-372 board.Let me know. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
MrBean Member 400 Member For: 18y 9m 25d Location: Melbourne Posted 04/03/09 09:08 AM Author Share Posted 04/03/09 09:08 AM (edited) Hello Guys,I had a few PM's requesting the specs for my Carputer, so let me give a quick breakdown:Carputer InfrastuctureMotherboard - Commell LS-372 - 3.5" form-factor, very small, and powerful. On the same Australian supplier website, there's also the LS-373, which is slightly newer model, with a mini pci-express (vs mini pci) slot.CPU - Intel Core 2 Duo T7100 MOBILE, 1.8GHz 800MHz FSB, 2MB L2 Cache, Socket 479 Micro-FCPGA / P CPU Notebook / Laptop Processor - please make sure you get a socket P (for Santa Rosa chipset) cpu if you use either the LS-373 or LS-373 Commell motherboard.Memory - 2gigs of decent DDR-2 800 SODimm - single stick, as there's one memory slot on motherboard only - I'm using some decent PQI powermemory for notebook picked up at the IT Fortune Mall in Bangkok on a previous visit. You should be able to find a local distributor of the same, or similar ram.Harddrive - OCZ Apex 60gig SSD - very fast, snappy, no microstutters at all.WiFi - any decent mini-pci (LS-372) or mini-pci express (LS-373) wifi card, similar to those in use in notebooks - very small, low power draw, and works pretty well - I use an Atheros chipset based one picked up of Ebay for something like $25 AUD.OS - Windows XP, with SP3, slipstreamed and trimmed down with nLite - giving me the fast <22seconds boot from power on.Frontend - CentraFuse by Fluxmedia - no argument, the best frontend out there, and I see now they're partnering with Microsoft to use an Embedded version next round - great!!Miscellaneous ItemsTyre Pressure Monitoring - Portal Media PC TPMS kit, based on Robby over at Mp3Car's design, but without all the hacking of the 3rd EYE kit - this is basically the same hardware, but all onto a single custom PCB. Alok Patel supplies sensors for the tyres too, the price can't be beaten, and his service is exceptional.OBD-II Scantool - Well, I use a few, for different purposes - the one you guys might be interested in for displaying the basic OBD-II data live in the Centrafuse Frontend OBD-II window, I got the very neat, and fast (with double buffering) ODBPro's Scantool with right-angle cable from the good 'ol US of A - Paul is a pretty decent person to deal with, and great service.Then, for my project debugging, I am using the Mongoose FEPS from DrewTech with reprogramming capability, making use of std J2534 interface.And then, last but not least, should I want to check all 400+ sensors in my UTE, I can always connect my Autoenginuity with extended Ford Support software, but this one is based on a proprietary protocol, so you cannot really use this one for reverse engineering.The last 2 devices is not necessary, you can get the ODBPro's scantool for decent capabilities, and it works well with CF frontend.LCDOne word of advice - don't skimp on the LCD you want to use - I have at least 4 different sizes/brands here, from the 10.4" Ebay special, to an 8" Ebay special, to the very exxy Xenarc 700-TSV, and they're all relatively crap for carputer use, due to glare/direct sunlight issues.The one I am now using is the NEC NL8060BC21-03 Transflective sun-readable 8.4" unit, obtained from Future ElectronicsI am using the 84PW041 inverter, and the Digital View ALR-1400 Controller with the appropriate LVDS connection cable - there's one or 2 extra cables needed with this, so ask here if you want to go this route, and I will spec all hardware for this custom LCD.See Page 6 on Thermoptic's thread over at Mp3Car to see the difference in view-quality, and a list of components.I hope this will assist you guys to assemble the same very fast, bullet-proof setu I have, albeit at a relatively steep price - but, I believe it is money well spent. Cant have a 380rwkw UTE with a crap pc now, can we.Should you have questions regarding my hardware, please ask, I will answer if I can. Edited 04/03/09 09:11 AM by MrBean Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
MrBean Member 400 Member For: 18y 9m 25d Location: Melbourne Posted 06/03/09 02:14 AM Author Share Posted 06/03/09 02:14 AM (edited) Hello Guys,Ok, some progress - although this may not seem like much, I think it significant.I have browsed several websites for a number of hours, and discovered some rather useable code - there's a fair bit of CAN-code floating out there, and although I am no programmer, I have enough savvy to work through the snippets to figure out what will work and what not, so here's basically what we can start from:Here's the can.c file-code/**************************************************************************************************--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Copyright © 2007, Jonathan Bagg All rights reserved. Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions are met: * Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer. * Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the documentation and/or other materials provided with the distribution. * Neither the name of Jonathan Bagg nor the names of its contributors may be used to endorse or promote products derived from this software without specific prior written permission. THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED BY THE COPYRIGHT HOLDERS AND CONTRIBUTORS "AS IS" AND ANY EXPRESS OR IMPLIED WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, THE IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE ARE DISCLAIMED. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE COPYRIGHT OWNER OR CONTRIBUTORS BE LIABLE FOR ANY DIRECT, INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL, SPECIAL, EXEMPLARY, OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES (INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, PROCUREMENT OF SUBSTITUTE GOODS OR SERVICES; LOSS OF USE, DATA, OR PROFITS; OR BUSINESS INTERRUPTION) HOWEVER CAUSED AND ON ANY THEORY OF LIABILITY, WHETHER IN CONTRACT, STRICT LIABILITY, OR TORT (INCLUDING NEGLIGENCE OR OTHERWISE) ARISING IN ANY WAY OUT OF THE USE OF THIS SOFTWARE, EVEN IF ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGE.--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Project name : Infidigm AVR Drivers Processor : AT90CAN32/64/128 File name : can.c--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Modifications: Revision 1.0 2007/05/19 Bagg - Initial Release--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Created : 10 March 2007 Author(s) : Jonathan Bagg--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- CAN bus Interrupt Based Driver ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------**************************************************************************************************/#include <avr/io.h> #include <avr/interrupt.h>#include "can.h"/*************************************************************************************************** CAN Baud Rate**************************************************************************************************/#define CAN_BAUD_RATE 500000/*************************************************************************************************** CAN PHY driver delays and LINE delay (unit = nS)**************************************************************************************************/#define TX_DELAY 50 //bus driver delay#define RX_DELAY 30 //receiver delay#define LINE_DELAY 110 //bus line delay/*************************************************************************************************** Acceptance Filtering**************************************************************************************************/#define ACCPT_MASK_ID 0#define ACCPT_TAG_ID 0#define ACCPT_MASK_RTR 0#define ACCPT_TAG_RTR 0#define ACCPT_MASK_IDE 0#define ACCPT_TAG_RB0 0#define ACCPT_TAG_RB1 0 //RB1 in extended (CAN 2.0B) Only/*************************************************************************************************** TX and RX frame buffer sizes * - 1 can frame ~ 11 bytes for CAN2A and 13 bytes for CAN2B* - RX_SIZE * 11 or 13 is aprox rx buffer memory size.**************************************************************************************************/#define TX_SIZE 8 //Transmit Buffer Size, can be 2^n where n=0 to 6#define RX_SIZE 8 //Receiver Buffer Size, can be 2^n where n=0 to 6/*************************************************************************************************** Pre-Processor ONLY! - Do not edit!**************************************************************************************************/#define BIT_TIME_NS (1000000000/CAN_BAUD_RATE)#define TCSC (BIT_TIME_NS/16)#define TPRS (2*(TX_DELAY+RX_DELAY+LINE_DELAY))#define PROPAG_CALC ((TPRS+(TCSC/2-1))/TCSC) //round at 0.5 instead of 1#if PROPAG_CALC>7 #define PROP_SEG PROPAG_CALC#else #define PROP_SEG 7#endif#define REMAINING (16-1-(PROP_SEG-1)-1)#define PHASE_SEG_1 (REMAINING/2)#if (REMAINING & 1) //check if odd or even #define PHASE_SEG_2 (PHASE_SEG_1-1) //phase2 <= phase1#else #define PHASE_SEG_2 PHASE_SEG_1#endif#define SJW_VALUE 1#define BRP_VALUE (F_CPU/CAN_BAUD_RATE/16)#if (BRP_VALUE > 0x3F) #warning CAN Baud Rate too LOW#endif#if (PHASE_SEG_2 < 2) #warning Propagation time is too long!#endif#if (F_CPU%CAN_BAUD_RATE) #warning Clock (F_CPU) is not a multipe of CAN Baud rate!#endif#if !(TX_SIZE==64 || TX_SIZE==32 || TX_SIZE==16 || TX_SIZE==8 \ || TX_SIZE==4 || TX_SIZE==2 || TX_SIZE==1) #warning:Wrong CAN TX Buffer Size#endif#if !(RX_SIZE==64 || RX_SIZE==32 || RX_SIZE==16 || RX_SIZE==8 \ || RX_SIZE==4 || RX_SIZE==2 || RX_SIZE==1) #warning:Wrong CAN RX Buffer Size#endif#define RX_ABS_MASK 0x7F#define TX_ABS_MASK 0x7F/*************************************************************************************************** Internal Variables**************************************************************************************************/union can_frame tx_frames[TX_SIZE];union can_frame rx_frames[RX_SIZE];static unsigned char tx_off;static unsigned char tx_on;static unsigned char tx_busy;static unsigned char rx_off;static unsigned char rx_on;/*************************************************************************************************** init_can(); - See 'can.h' Header file for Description**************************************************************************************************/void init_can(void){ CANGCON = _BV(SWRES); //Reset CAN controller CANBT1 = (BRP_VALUE - 1) << 1; CANBT2 = ((SJW_VALUE - 1) << 5) | ((PROP_SEG - 1) << 1); CANBT3 = ((PHASE_SEG_2 - 1) << 4) | ((PHASE_SEG_1 - 1) << 1) | 1; CANTIM = 0; CANTTC = 0; CANHPMOB = 0; CANTCON = 0; CANPAGE = 0 << 4; //Switch to Mob 0 access CANSTMOB = 0; CANPAGE = 1 << 4; //Switch to Mob 1 access CANSTMOB = 0; #if CAN_V==CAN2A CANIDM4 = ACCPT_MASK_RTR << 2 | ACCPT_MASK_IDE; CANIDM2 = (ACCPT_MASK_ID << 5) & 0xFF; CANIDM1 = (ACCPT_MASK_ID >> 3) & 0xFF; CANIDT4 = ACCPT_TAG_RTR << 2 | ACCPT_TAG_RB0; CANIDT2 = (ACCPT_TAG_ID << 5) & 0xFF; CANIDT1 = (ACCPT_TAG_ID >> 3) & 0xFF; #elif CAN_V==CAN2B CANIDM4 = ((ACCPT_MASK_ID << 3) & 0xFF) | ACCPT_MASK_RTR << 2 | ACCPT_MASK_IDE; CANIDM3 = (ACCPT_MASK_ID >> 5) & 0xFF; CANIDM2 = (ACCPT_MASK_ID >> 13) & 0xFF; CANIDM1 = ((long)ACCPT_MASK_ID >> 21) & 0xFF; CANIDT4 = ((ACCPT_TAG_ID << 3) & 0xFF) | ACCPT_TAG_RTR << 2 | ACCPT_TAG_RB1 << 1 | ACCPT_TAG_RB0; CANIDT3 = (ACCPT_TAG_ID >> 5) & 0xFF; CANIDT2 = (ACCPT_TAG_ID >> 13) & 0xFF; CANIDT1 = ((long)ACCPT_TAG_ID >> 21) & 0xFF; #endif CANCDMOB = _BV(CONMOB1) | CAN_IDE; //Set Mob 1 as RX and IDE CANEN2 = _BV(ENMOB1) | _BV(ENMOB0); //Enable Mob 0 and 1 CANIE2 = _BV(ENMOB1) | _BV(ENMOB0); //Enable Mob 0 and 1 Interrupt CANGIE = _BV(ENIT) | _BV(ENRX) | _BV(ENTX); //Enable TX and RX interrupt CANGCON = _BV(ENASTB); //Enable CAN controller}/*************************************************************************************************** CAN ISR - See 'can.h' Header file for Description**************************************************************************************************/SIGNAL(SIG_CAN_INTERRUPT1){ unsigned char can_irq; volatile unsigned char canstmod; can_irq = CANSIT2; // TX if (can_irq & _BV(SIT0) && CANIE2 & _BV(ENMOB0)) { //Select TX Mob (=Mob0) CANPAGE = 0 << 4; canstmod = CANSTMOB; CANSTMOB&= ~_BV(TXOK); //clear MB1, TX interrupt if (tx_on != tx_off) { unsigned char pos; pos = tx_off & (TX_SIZE-1); //set ID #if CAN_V==CAN2A CANIDT4 = tx_frames[pos].array[0]; CANIDT2 = tx_frames[pos].array[0]; CANIDT1 = tx_frames[pos].array[1]; #elif CAN_V==CAN2B CANIDT4 = tx_frames[pos].array[0]; CANIDT3 = tx_frames[pos].array[1]; CANIDT2 = tx_frames[pos].array[2]; CANIDT1 = tx_frames[pos].array[3]; #endif //program data registers - auto increment CANMSG CANMSG = tx_frames[pos].data[0]; CANMSG = tx_frames[pos].data[1]; CANMSG = tx_frames[pos].data[2]; CANMSG = tx_frames[pos].data[3]; CANMSG = tx_frames[pos].data[4]; CANMSG = tx_frames[pos].data[5]; CANMSG = tx_frames[pos].data[6]; CANMSG = tx_frames[pos].data[7]; //set length and request send CANCDMOB = _BV(CONMOB0) | CAN_IDE | tx_frames[pos].length; tx_off++; } else { tx_busy = 0; } } // RX else if (can_irq & _BV(SIT1) && CANIE2 & _BV(ENMOB1)) { //Select RX Mob (=Mob1) CANPAGE = 1 << 4; //Switch to Mob 1 access if (((rx_on - rx_off) & RX_ABS_MASK) < RX_SIZE) { unsigned char pos; pos = rx_on & (RX_SIZE-1); //Read length rx_frames[pos].length = CANCDMOB & 0x0F; //Read ID #if CAN_V==CAN2A rx_frames[pos].array[0] = (CANIDT2 & 0xE0) | (CANIDT4 & 0x07); rx_frames[pos].array[1] = CANIDT1; #elif CAN_V==CAN2B rx_frames[pos].array[0] = CANIDT4; rx_frames[pos].array[1] = CANIDT3; rx_frames[pos].array[2] = CANIDT2; rx_frames[pos].array[3] = CANIDT1; #endif //read data registers - auto increment CANMSG rx_frames[pos].data[0] = CANMSG; rx_frames[pos].data[1] = CANMSG; rx_frames[pos].data[2] = CANMSG; rx_frames[pos].data[3] = CANMSG; rx_frames[pos].data[4] = CANMSG; rx_frames[pos].data[5] = CANMSG; rx_frames[pos].data[6] = CANMSG; rx_frames[pos].data[7] = CANMSG; rx_on++; } //clear irq canstmod = CANSTMOB; CANSTMOB&= ~_BV(RXOK); CANCDMOB = _BV(CONMOB1) | CAN_IDE; //Set Mob 1 as RX and IDE }}/*************************************************************************************************** send_can_frame(); - See 'can.h' Header file for Description**************************************************************************************************/unsigned char send_can_frame(union can_frame *frame){ unsigned char result; result = 0; CANGIE&= ~_BV(ENIT); if (!tx_busy) { CANPAGE = 0 << 4; //Switch to Mob 0 access //set ID #if CAN_V==CAN2A CANIDT4 = frame->array[0]; CANIDT2 = frame->array[0]; CANIDT1 = frame->array[1]; #elif CAN_V==CAN2B CANIDT4 = frame->array[0]; CANIDT3 = frame->array[1]; CANIDT2 = frame->array[2]; CANIDT1 = frame->array[3]; #endif //program data registers - auto increment CANMSG = frame->data[0]; CANMSG = frame->data[1]; CANMSG = frame->data[2]; CANMSG = frame->data[3]; CANMSG = frame->data[4]; CANMSG = frame->data[5]; CANMSG = frame->data[6]; CANMSG = frame->data[7]; result = 1; tx_busy = 1; //set length, start send which restarts tx interrupt CANCDMOB = _BV(CONMOB0) | CAN_IDE | frame->length; } else if (TX_SIZE - ((tx_on - tx_off) & TX_ABS_MASK)) { result = 1; unsigned char I; for (I=0;I<CAN_FRAME_SIZE;I++) { tx_frames[tx_on & (TX_SIZE-1)].array[I] = frame->array[I]; } tx_on++; result = 1; } CANGIE|= _BV(ENIT); return result;}/*************************************************************************************************** read_can_frame(); - See 'can.h' Header file for Description**************************************************************************************************/union can_frame *read_can_frame(void){ return &rx_frames[(rx_off & (RX_SIZE-1))]; }/*************************************************************************************************** next_can_frame(); - See 'can.h' Header file for Description**************************************************************************************************/void next_can_frame(void){ if (rx_on != rx_off) { rx_off++; }}/*************************************************************************************************** new_can_frame(); - See 'can.h' Header file for Description**************************************************************************************************/unsigned char new_can_frame(void){ unsigned char result; if (rx_on != rx_off) //check for new data on rx pdu buffer result = 1; else result = 0; return result; }Here's the can.h file-code/**************************************************************************************************--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Copyright © 2007, Jonathan Bagg All rights reserved. Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions are met: * Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer. * Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the documentation and/or other materials provided with the distribution. * Neither the name of Jonathan Bagg nor the names of its contributors may be used to endorse or promote products derived from this software without specific prior written permission. THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED BY THE COPYRIGHT HOLDERS AND CONTRIBUTORS "AS IS" AND ANY EXPRESS OR IMPLIED WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, THE IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE ARE DISCLAIMED. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE COPYRIGHT OWNER OR CONTRIBUTORS BE LIABLE FOR ANY DIRECT, INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL, SPECIAL, EXEMPLARY, OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES (INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, PROCUREMENT OF SUBSTITUTE GOODS OR SERVICES; LOSS OF USE, DATA, OR PROFITS; OR BUSINESS INTERRUPTION) HOWEVER CAUSED AND ON ANY THEORY OF LIABILITY, WHETHER IN CONTRACT, STRICT LIABILITY, OR TORT (INCLUDING NEGLIGENCE OR OTHERWISE) ARISING IN ANY WAY OUT OF THE USE OF THIS SOFTWARE, EVEN IF ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGE.--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Project name : Infidigm AVR Drivers Processor : AT90CAN32/64/128 File name : can.h--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Modifications: Revision 1.0 2007/05/19 Bagg - Initial Release--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Created : 10 March 2007 Author(s) : Jonathan Bagg--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- CAN bus Interrupt Based Driver ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------**************************************************************************************************//*************************************************************************************************** Select CAN version**************************************************************************************************/#define CAN2A 0#define CAN2B 1#define CAN_V CAN2A //Only edit this line to be CAN2A or CAN2B/*************************************************************************************************** Pre-Processor ONLY! - Do not edit!**************************************************************************************************/#define CAN_FRAME_DATA_LENGTH 8#if CAN_V==CAN2A #define CAN_FRAME_MSG_LENGTH 3 #define CAN_IDE 0#elif CAN_V==CAN2B #define CAN_FRAME_MSG_LENGTH 5 #define CAN_IDE _BV(IDE)#endif#define CAN_FRAME_SIZE (CAN_FRAME_DATA_LENGTH + CAN_FRAME_MSG_LENGTH)/*************************************************************************************************** CAN Frame Message Structure**************************************************************************************************/union can_frame { struct { #if CAN_V==CAN2A unsigned int rb0 : 1; // RB0 bit unsigned int filler : 1; // filler bit unsigned int rbr : 1; // RBR bit unsigned int filler1 : 1; // filler bit unsigned int filler2 : 1; // filler bit unsigned int id :11; #elif CAN_V==CAN2B unsigned int rb0 : 1; // RB0 bit unsigned int rb1 : 1; // RB1 bit unsigned int rbr : 1; // RBR bit unsigned long id :29; #endif unsigned int length : 4; // data length in bytes unsigned int filler3 : 4; // filler bits unsigned char data[CAN_FRAME_DATA_LENGTH]; }; unsigned char array[CAN_FRAME_MSG_LENGTH + CAN_FRAME_DATA_LENGTH];};/**************************************************************************************************** Function : init_can** Description : Sets up the CAN controller. Inits Mob 0 as TX and Mob 1 as RX.** Parameters : None** Functions Called : None** Returns : None***************************************************************************************************/void init_can(void);/**************************************************************************************************** Signal : SIG_CAN_INTERRUPT1** Description : CAN Interrupt Service Routine. Loads the next can frame to transmit from* the tx buffer to the MoB. Unloads the received can frame from the* receiver Mob to the the rx buffer.** Parameters : None** Functions Called : None** Returns : None***************************************************************************************************//**************************************************************************************************** Function : send_can_frame** Description : Adds a can frame to be transmitted. If send_can_frame() returns true, the* added can frame will be transmitted by the can controller when the* can bus is free. After send_can_frame() returns, the added can_frame* is on the tx buffer (if returned true), and the originating can_frame in* the application can be modified / destroyed.** Parameters : pointer to the CAN message** Functions Called : None** Returns : 1 if successfully added can frame to send, 0 if buffer is full** Example : union can_frame can_engin_rpm;* = 0x0123;*[0] = rpm;* can_engin_rpm.length = 1;* send_can_frame(&can_engin_rpm);***************************************************************************************************/unsigned char send_can_frame(union can_frame *frame);/**************************************************************************************************** Function : read_can_frame** Description : Used for reading data from received CAN messages. See below RX example.** Parameters : None** Functions Called : None** Returns : Pointer to current can frame in RX buffer***************************************************************************************************/union can_frame *read_can_frame(void);/**************************************************************************************************** Function : next_can_frame** Description : Used to remove the current received CAN frame from the RX buffer and select* the next received CAN message, if one exists. See below RX example.** Parameters : None** Functions Called : None** Returns : None***************************************************************************************************/void next_can_frame(void);/**************************************************************************************************** Function : new_can_frame** Description : Used to check if there is one or more new received CAN frames on the RX * buffer. See below RX example.** Parameters : None** Functions Called : None** Returns : 1 if there is one or more new received CAN frames, 0 if RX buffer is empty.***************************************************************************************************/unsigned char new_can_frame(void);/**************************************************************************************************** RX Example** unsigned char rpm;** for (; {* if (new_can_frame()) {* union can_frame *can_engin_rpm; //temporarily declare space on stack* can_engin_rpm = read_can_frame();* if (can_engin_rpm->id == 0x0123) {* rpm = can_engin_rpm->data[0];* }* next_can_frame();* }* }***************************************************************************************************/Now, I have designed the network to enable the switches to connect with correct pull-up/pull-down resistors to the AVR inputs, all I need to do now is make a list of which pins will connect to the switches (PINX =input).I have a working bit of code for switch-inputs, so we can use that as well......Will post it with the pin-assignements.You coders out there, let me know if these snippets are a good starting-point, I would think so Anyway, here a readme file .....can_readme.txtcan.c.txtcan.h.txt Edited 06/03/09 02:27 AM by MrBean Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Guest Guests Posted 06/03/09 02:28 AM Share Posted 06/03/09 02:28 AM All jibberish to me What's the setup above worth Beanie? Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
MrBean Member 400 Member For: 18y 9m 25d Location: Melbourne Posted 06/03/09 02:31 AM Author Share Posted 06/03/09 02:31 AM (edited) Ah, dunno, the micro won't be much, and as this will be a community project, you won't pay for the software/firmware for the micro either.The Carputer - well, I have provided all the linkies, so check with the suppliers, as pricing would be different now...... Edited 06/03/09 02:33 AM by MrBean Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
sten Member 45 Member For: 14y 8m 23d Posted 22/08/10 03:00 AM Share Posted 22/08/10 03:00 AM Hi Br Beanie, Any updates with this? or even better any word when it will be ready for the FG's?? Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
glimmerman Member 90 Member For: 16y 6m 17d Gender: Male Location: Penrith, NSW, OZtralia Posted 31/08/10 12:39 PM Share Posted 31/08/10 12:39 PM I spent a couple of years doing website design and some scripting - that code you posted Beanie looks exactly like VBSCRIPT Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Dagabond Bored Member Administrator 35,722 Member For: 22y 3m 17d Gender: Male Location: Dé·jà vu Posted 31/08/10 03:11 PM Share Posted 31/08/10 03:11 PM Hi Br Beanie, Any updates with this?....He sold the ute a few months ago. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Rusty XR6T Donating Members 516 Member For: 14y 11m Gender: Male Posted 01/09/10 12:20 AM Share Posted 01/09/10 12:20 AM if you need any help with hardware let me know, I'm an embedded hardware engineer for an electronics disti so any sort of LCD, motherboard, SSD etc I can get cheap!I can do Core 2 Duo motherboards in 3.5" form factor with bluetooth and WIFI/3G on board, and can get all the GPS stuff cheap as we represent NavmanPlus I am a certified Windows Embedded Developer so if you want to drop nlite with XP PRO I can make you an XP Embedded image that will boot in around 10 seconds or under.any technology of touch your after, resistive, capacitive, projected capacitive or SAW just let me know.A piece of advise, to cut cost use an industrial motherboard from someone like IEI and connect the NEC LCD directly VIA LVDS to the motherboard, cuts out the A/D board, and also use LED backlit LCD as it cuts out the need for an inverter and cabling is 10 times easier.and watch what your doing with transflective/sunlight readable etc, as the users are not in front of the LCD transflective wont work so well, you will need IPS technology from Hitachi or something like that. I have used Hitachi a fair bit and the viewing angles are great, plus they have the contract for LCD in the Tesla cars which is an LCD in portrait mode in the console Plus we have micros as well, NEC, Micrel etcjust let me know, more than willing to help Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
kilmo Donating Members 122 Member For: 17y 8m 2d Gender: Male Location: Perth, WA Posted 24/11/10 12:09 PM Share Posted 24/11/10 12:09 PM Is this project dead and buried ???? Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
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