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She Finally Let Go


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Driving down the south east freeway the traffic came to a standstill.... I stopped and heard the loudest clunk clunk I have ever heard... I shiat myself and was certain the engine had let go.... anyway I rang dynowog who suggested it might be the flex plate ( I already had it diagnosed elsewhere in brissie and was advised the engine needed to be rebuilt).. so hoping for the best and that nicks over the phone diagnosis was correct, I had a friend come over today to have a look, we drove the car onto ramps, lifted the rear up on car jacks dropped the tailshaft, exhaust and dropped the gearbox by using a trolley jack...... what do we find??? a lose flex plate!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! refitted everything, tightened bolts with locktite and put her alltogether... and no more clunk clunk!! all this done on my driveway lol. I spent most of the time lying on my gut, on the driveway, just watching sam hard at it!!

geez.. it sounded like the piston was coming through the block!!! Thanks to nick for the phone supprt, thanks to Sam for taking time out on his holiday to fix the farker!!..... at least I didnt fork out for a new engine as per prior recommendation from a local.

problem solved!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! phew

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its highly unlikely that the engine would spit a rod out at standstill champ, or coming to a hault.

ask goldie when his spat a rod..... slowing down to a hault at a roundabout on his way to a wedding lol

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  • Sucker
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Yeah true....well that's what he told the wife anyway :biggun:

I wonder how many people would blindly just go with the new engine option :blush: That's scary

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yeah tab that's why I shiat myself lol...... pays off getting a 2nd opinion

ETM.... death rattle lol, yes it does!!

went to visit the friendly repco dealer for the loctite

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Really HATE to be be the bearer of bad news but I have found in my years in the trade that loctite on flywheel/flex plate bolts is a bit of a bad thing.

The ONLY times I have ever seen either come loose is when the bolts were done up with loctite. (surprising I know but bear with me)

When you do the bolt up the loctite gets squeezed out between the crank and the f/plate. Over time the vibrations cause this loctite to break up and then causes the f/plate to come loose again.

For your sake I hope it doesn't happen to you. You prob don't want to do that job again.

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