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Mechanic 'hoons'


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I've been real lucky with all the cars I've owned. I have only ever taken them to 1 of 2 mechanics, one that has been a friend of my old man for over 20 years and the other a family friend of my best mate who I've known for over 15 years. Since buying the T I'm now taking it to Nizpro, which is where the guy who owned it before me took it.

One thing that I'm suprised I haven't seen is this topic on a current affair etc. There is always the stories about hoon drivers, and Mechanic's that make up fake problems to unsuspecting customers more than doubling the bill. But I havent seen any about hoon mechanics. Maybe getting enough of these real examples together may just prompt a story to be done.

You may just get to see that HSV pull up next to the 19 yr old apprentice yet !! Having said that how many other types of cars get thrashed? I'm sure it's not just the high performance fords, holdens, Suburu's and the like that get a hammering but what about the people that can't afford those types of cars and drive the beaten up POS that the mechanic thinks he can drive like a rally car. Those cars don't have trip computers etc so they cant check the ltr/100 and the distance to empty etc, throw $10 worth of fuel in and even the petrol gauge cant tell you how they've treated the car.

So maybe whats needed is some actual footage of these things happeneing, the camera never lies and id love to see these guy's reactions when they're asked the question and they deny it then they're shown the camera footage.

Shame Shame Shame !

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Its just not after you get the car that they give it a flogging, the pre-delivery boys have been known to give em a go right off the truck/boat, a lot of bad things can be hidden in those first Ks.

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if we are naming and shaming, ford at <removed> smashed the hell out of my front bar when there 17 yr old cleaner took it out. took a letter from my solitiors to get it fixed though I didnt want to give them the car....

Edited by Dagabond
No we arent. read the announcement.....
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couple months ago my brother took his mx-6 turbo to a mate that works at a performance place up the coast, as we were there we noticed 1 of their workers had the same car as my bro. we were told 2 come back later on that day and as we came back later 2 pick the car up we arrived at little early as it was getting dark. his mate wasnt there nor was the other car but we were told that my bros car was just finished and taken 4 a test drive. so as we waited we heard both cars screaming up the street to the amazment of the other workers as they tried 2 see which 1 was quicker. I looked at my bro I could tell he was pissed even though its only a mx-6 turbo, the fact that some other (0(k miss treats your car like that it enough to piss any 1 off, my bro paid him and left before he could say a word or explain himself and as far as I know they havent spoken since. nice friend aye

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  • 8 months later...
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Had car in to get new Bendix pads put in the rears. Was going to do it myself.. really wanted to, wasnt 100% confident. Ill pretty much EVERYTHING else, but wont f*ck with brakes.

Anyway, have been chatting with this certain mob for around two weeks on and off about tyre prices and they seemed like a decent bunch. Very helpful, great prices, so I thought id give them the pleasure of my business for this small job. First thing I said to these guys was LAST PLACE I WENT TO FLOGGED BALLS OUT OF MY CAR, I hope you guys are not like that. He ASSUERED me, 'we dont work that way here sir.' I said good and I told the front counter guy AND the mechanic who drove my car onto the hoist EXACTLY what I wanted done - which was;

1. install my supplied new Bendix brake pads to the rear.

2. inspect the front brakes as there is a little too much play till brakes initally grab.

Simple eh?

Was told should be around an hour, so I crossed the road, and walked into the shopping centre across the hour and wasted about 45mins walking around having a perv and pretending to look at shops.

Walked back over after that and into shop, the bloke at the counter came up to me presumably to give me an update and said 'Mate we've installed the rear pads, but and are in the process of having the rotors machined, they looked rather bad.'

This led to the first argument. I did not ask for this work to be done. I was brushed off and told by him that 'I thought u told the mechanic to just do whatever needed to be done'

Who in there right mind gives this kind of blank check to a mechanic??

I couldnt have been CLEARER about what DID what done.

Do I really have to mention what I DONT want done?

If he hadve asked me if I wanted them machined I couldve replied 'No mate- not nessecary, ive got DBA4000's on their way as we speak, but the pads were so bad, that I couldnt wait till they arrived next week'

So that wasnt so bad. I got over that.

I figure they werent happy with me after that, cause after this, he came out to ask if wanted the braking system flushed, to which I agreed, so ended up making me wait a further 2 hours in the waiting room for this flushing...

I assumed they would do this, so I sat there fairly patienly, then saw my car beiing lowered down the hoist, so walked outside to listen to car, and watch the driving mechanic suspiciosly as we do. Mind you - this is the 3rd different guy that I saw working on my car during this simple process.

Anyway, I hadnt spoken to this 3rd guy so he didnt I assume, know the car was mine.

He puuled out of the driveway, turned around the roundabout, spun the wheels, and fanged it up the street! :beerchug:

I understand bedding in the brakes, but f*ck this.

I stormed inside, and in front of about 8 people in the shop I went nuts at the guy behind the counter and the other 3 workers in there, one of whom was the owner of this franchise.

Meanwhile in the background I heard my car thrashed past the workshop once again.

After I had finished yelling abuse and swearing, they had the hide to brush me off with quotes like 'he has to give a little bit in order to bed the brakes in'

All the usual excuses came out, just trying to back up his worker.

Will only be taking car to tuner for even small work done from now one. They charge a fortune in labour, but least I know its looked after.

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One of my work mtes has a modded V8 Commie and he actually watches over the entire servicing of the car. If they refuse, he pulls the car off them. Waiting 3 hrs is a small price to pay for peace of mind.

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Was at work 12 months ago, and standing out the front loading the car to go onsite when I heard a WRX with a decent exhaust, not unlike my old mans blsating down the street. Saw my old mans car come hard into a corner out the front of work, and then 4 wheel drift around the corner, across the railway tracks and slide through some dirt on the side of the road in a truck stop. Rang my old man to give him sh*t as he always lectures me about preserving times and places for things, and found out he had droipper the car into ...tune shop for a service.

He left work, went in and found the front bumper removed and 'general maintenance' being carried out. Turns out they ripped the bumper off 'backin out' the drive way.

My old man wrote letters to everyone, and anyone, he could from this company, and barely stopped short from calling today tonight to drag their name through the sh*t.

I service my car, and take it to a mate from a local shop on sunday to have serviced by him only. Not worth the sh*t.

Edited by mattyb
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I had a service done a while back at ultra tune. when I came back 4 hours later they were still working on my car and I asked whats up. the bloke said that they must have unplugged somthing or broken somthing when doing the service bcause it wont rev past 3500rpm. the look of relief on the blokes face was worth seeing when I flashed the big tune back in and gave it a rev. I told him no offence but I dont trust anyone and all u get is 3500 rpm to play with when I lock it.

took him for a spin around the block and showed him why I lock it.

he agreed with me that he would never send a young mechanic out in this because it was a (quote) real ball tearer...lol...

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interesting point, loading valet tune might make them take a loooooooong time to work on it since they'll think they farked something! Wonder if it's worth telling them up front though, might piss them off hahaha!

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