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Does Battery Affect Car Power?


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I'm no automotive electrician but that's what I reckon...always seems to run better with a new battery and the replacements are usually done with a memory-saver battery plugged in to the car during the swap over so that intentionally nothing is reset. :unsure:

I believe these things will not run without a battery so there has to be some dependence on it somewhere along the line even with the alternator spinning.

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That's right.

Mechanical diesels will run without a battery as spark isn't used to make the fuel burn like a vehicle pertrol engine.

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  • iTs alL DaRDy........
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I am an auto electrician and rev head robbo is on the money.

a flat(or faulty) battery will make the alternator output more currrent to try and recharge it.

the more current the alt outputs the stronger the magnetic field in the alt and therefore the more energy lost due to magnetic friction.

a higher load on the alt means the engine has 2 waste more energy to spin it.

a brand new battery is 100% charged and 100% good will mean that the alt doesnt need to work as hard and there for neither does the engine. that's y u notice a bit more power. the cold air helps 2!

these carw will run with out a battery but its a very dangerous thing to do and should never b done ever! the batetry is as resistor that helps regulate the voltaeg from the alt. if you disconnect the battery with the car running it will continue to run HOWEVER the voltage output from the alt goes sky high 16+ volts which is extreamly dangerous for any type of 12v ecu that is designed to work 7-14.5 volts.

and you could do SERIOUSn damage.

hope that chears things up a bit.

sorry for the spelling :unsure::biggrin:


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