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Turbo Bearings Gone


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Hey guys, I think I've done the bearings on my turbo (02 ba xr6t). It makes a harsh metallic noise on boost when its cold, and I've noticed this seems to be fairly common with these cars. Is this due to some sort of design fault with the turbo? Anyway, my question is: would it be beneficial (or possible, even) to replace it with a turbo the same as the ones used on the new FGs? Ive heard that theyre smaller so it comes on boost quicker, but would it simply bolt on in place of the stock one? Not that Im jumping to conclusions, Ill have a mechanic check the extent of the damage first of course. Or perhaps its still early days to assume the reliability of the new gear? Any thoughts...?


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Yes the turbo would come on boost earlier and it would be a direct fit, buying one will be your problem as im sure you can only buy this turbo through ford = mega ripoff.

The most common reason for turbo failure on these cars is lack of oil supply, to address this problem you need to either remove the factory filter or replace it.

Failure to address the problem will result in blown turbos, no matter how many you put on they will all blow up untill you fix the oil supply problem

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If your turbo has had it's day then I probably wouldn't be putting an FG turbo on there. I would be getting the one you've got repaired. The one you have has the ability to deliver much more power and will be a cheaper option. If you decide to run the FG turbo I'm assuming you will need to change the tune to to make full utilisation of it's low down power delivery.

Talk to Simon at Nizpro as I think he is thinking of doing what you are asking to one of his Falcons to determine the limits of the new FG GT3582R.

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The new turbo would be called a gt3576r or similar as the last 2 digits represent the inducer size of the compressor wheel, gt3582r has an 82mm inducer, the new turbo has a smaller inducer hence it would have a new name, but it is not listed on garrett part lists probably at fords request so they can rape the poor souls who blow a turbo.

On a side note I wonder if ford left the factory oil supply filter in the same spot knowing that it has been responsible for hundreds if not thousands of turbo failures

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Ah man now I'm worried about my new T - how often does the filter need to be changed and do they do this as part of the usual servicing? Still under 2 years new car warranty...

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My car has clocked up 107xxx kms in 4 years. Same turbo, no problems. Never changed the turbo supply filter either. Just regular oil changes at 7500kms using good oil.

I wonder if everyone else does their changes properly or just rely on 15k intervels? Scare tactics I think.

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Scare tactics I think.

im not quite sure what you mean by "scare tactics" but if you are referring to my comment about oil supply I can assure you that I am not trying to scare people but to eductae and ecourage them to address a known common problem with these engines.

Ford dont replace this filter nor do they warrant claims when the turbo blows due to lack of oil supply. In my opinion, based on many other cases of turbo failure by leaving the factory filter unchanged or even checked you are running the gauntlet, sure it may never blow but if it does you cant say that nobody warned you.

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Oil supply filter... I must admit Ive never heard of it let alone checked it (owned the car since january... can only assume the previous owner didnt either). Im sure Ill find a how-to thread here somewhere, but can anyone tell me which brand is the best and where I can find it (ie is it a specialty item or will I pick it up off the shelf at repco?)

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ETM sells a nice braided line remote oil filter that is much easier to clean and change if need be, shoot him a PM and he can sort one out for you

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