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Symptoms Of Tps Failure


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  • Member For: 17y 4m 28d
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in ba's there is no symptoms the tps is an electrical device that sits on the throttle body it has nothing to do with dirty air or vacuum leaks

all it does is read where the butterfly is position to acknowledge the pcm in fuel & air delivery,

a sympton of knowing if the tps is failing is intermitted stalling while driving or at the lights this is purely electrical failure which

I'm not sure what causes that maybe some1 else can help with that also!

I hope that is any help or maybe I'm completly wrong! lol either way let me know if I am

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  • Member For: 18y 7m 4d

that's pretty much what it does is occasional stall coming up to lights and while idleing it will drop and then come back up

Helps good mate thatnks for that

I might try and put the TPS from the TB I had on it before putting the John Bowe one on see if that makes a diff

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  • 2 months later...
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  • Member For: 16y 3m 17d
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Hey mate, when my TPS went, it was stalling at lights, under acceleration randomly, and acting strange in general..

Conditions were different day to day, and some days it wasn't a problem at all, where others it'd fail at every set of lights..

Some people have had cars idle hunting due to dirty throttlebodies, but if it is stalling even after cleaning throttle body, and you know your injectors are in good condition, then it's probably a TPS

If you're not sure about your injectors, get some Redline injector cleaner, it's the only product other than Ultrafuel that I fully recommend.

I hope this helps


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  • 2 weeks later...
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  • Member For: 16y 3m 23d

Hey if your ba is loosing rpm when at lights and idle for a while, or I noticed it sometimes when I went to park after a drive it lost rpm then picked its self back up, occasionly stalling.

I took the throttle body off an butterfly valve, and cleaned it out with carby cleaner (degreaser), it was black as all sh*t in there, haven't had the problem since..

hope this helps

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if your tps is failing... it means that your sensor is not reading your throtle position... ie you can put your foot down a little to take off but it will take a second or two to actually take off... this is beccause the sensor is not reading it correctly....its like what your doing is happening in slow motion.... mine is doing this and im getting sick of it, sometimes it wont take off at all althought the foot is flat to the floor.... you then have to turn the car of and restart it in order to fix it... very risky when going to go through an intersection etc... will get it fixed at next service which is due soon.

micky69... yes it has symptoms in BA's s well... raphoon had the same problem in his ba as I have in my bf.... his was the tps and when replaced the problem was solved.... he had exactly the ssame symptoms as I just described.

Edited by jetute
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that's pretty much what it does is occasional stall coming up to lights and while idleing it will drop and then come back up

Helps good mate thatnks for that

I might try and put the TPS from the TB I had on it before putting the John Bowe one on see if that makes a diff

I have fitted plenty of the JB and SS throttle bodys and have had sh*t loads of idling problems. Try putting the whole throttle body back on and see what happens. Be careful pulling tps screws out as they can snap.
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