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Black Box Recorder


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I was browsing through the Ford manual last night and noticed that there is a recording function that keeps records from all sensors, lenght before rerecording wasent mentioned, so incase of an accident an authorised Ford tech can download the data and it can be used by the courts.

Is this a new thing for the FG or has it been around for awhile? I bet Ford would use this data if you ever made a warranty claim to check what you were doing when something broke.

A tuner should be able to get into this and use it to aide tuning on the dyno?

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Not sure I'm with you on the connection between history of how a car is driven and how this would aide tuning on the dyno.

To my knowledge is pretty new, but wouldn't be surprised if this has been the case for a while. One step further - I know there was / is talk of VE commodores having gps tracking enabled for 'fleet' vehicles not sure if that ever got put into practice.

Note also the same system can tell FoMoCo when it was last flashed, comparing that against service records to prove you'd 'tuned' your car.

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  • Into the laaaake
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A friend of mine was a mechanic at Expensive Daewoo dealership. A 2 door Opel Omega came in with leg out of bed to be repaired under warranty. They were able to get in there and determine that at time of failure the engine Revs were on the limiter, engine water temp was stone cold, rear wheel speed was a hundred or so kph's.

Pretty obvious to see what has happened. Not to sure if it got fixed under warranty or not.

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The data has not ever been used in court.... YET.

Wanna bet!

There was a murder case a while ago where the data taken from the onboard computer was used in court that helped convict the murderer.

Don't ask how this implicated the suspect (at the time) but it was used, the technician got a plaque as thanks that is now on his office wall.

Don't know how much more info I can give without getting in trouble so will have to leave it at that unfortunately.

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Wanna bet!

There was a murder case a while ago where the data taken from the onboard computer was used in court that helped convict the murderer.

Don't ask how this implicated the suspect (at the time) but it was used, the technician got a plaque as thanks that is now on his office wall.

Don't know how much more info I can give without getting in trouble so will have to leave it at that unfortunately.

Unless the car was crashed there is no info on the black box that could implicate anyone for anything related to a murder, and AFAIK it only records a few seconds before an accident. Unless an accident was related to the murder ie. car deliberated crashed to kill someone.

There has been one case of it being used in the US when a guy going twice the limit ran over and killed a child, and as it deployed the airbag the black box recorded all the details and showed what speed he was doing at the time of the accident. The article I read about it said that it wouldn't have been admissable in court here in Australia due to privacy laws, but somehow they found some sort of loophole for it to be used in court in the US. Its supposed to only be used by the manufacturer to record crash data that they can use to make cars safer, that's why it can't be used in court against you because they do not have your permission, or any type of authority to use it against you, there is only one reason its in your car and it can not be used for anything else.

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  • Member For: 18y 6m 3d
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Does anyone know how many seconds it is actually keeping records of?

I am sure the courts could easily request the information from Ford if the incident was serious enough

Edited by Buf-Phoon
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