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Unichip Dead - Can I Pull It Out Myself


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I made a post before, don't know if it worked though. I'll be quick!

2003 XR6T, unichip, high flow injectors, stock cat blah blah blah.... used to haul arse and was realllllly good on petrol.... unichip has failed and car now runs like a dog because of this (As in, can't boost too much because the stock ecu doesn't like all that power yay!)

Bought myself a CAPA flash tuner and have been quoted $500 to get the car tuned with this lovely device, also been quoted $200 to have the unichip pulled out..... as it is a plug n play unit, I'm pretty darn confident that I can pull it out myself and save $200, right? I mean all I really have to worry about is that the cables going into the unichip and then into the ECU are going straight into the ECU, then just pulling the UNICRAP loom out.... sorry typo....

Also, I only use premium and getting the car tuned for 98 octane.... but now I'm a bit worried, I get Vortex from Caltex, is that 98 or 95 octane?! Should I only get one tune considering I only use that type of petty?!

Thanks, any help would be verry much appreciated and yes I have read other posts regarding these issues, but wasn't satisfied with the answers.


Edited by Ashman
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definatly just get a tune on the fuel you always use.. if you do get a tune on 95 and happen to fill up with 98 it should go a little better but no damage. tune for 98 and put 95 in, you are gonna have problems.

as for yanking the unichip, no idea.. if it isn't working anyway, yank it out and see if it is any worse to drive on the factory tune. I cant see how it would make a difference, but im no expert!

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Firstly :innocent:

From memory when I turned my APS Phase 2 back to stock it was just a case of unplugging the Unichimp, re-fitting the std injectors and zorst. Felt like a slug too.

Take it off and the car will still run like sh*t( if at all) due to the larger injectors, see how you go

Caltex Vortex is 95 Ron , Vortex 98 is clearly market at the pump, where it is stocked

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Is the unichip like the Xede? If so it intercepts a few sensors so removing it would cause the car not to run at all, unless the wiring from those sensors is re-joined.

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I pulled it out, still got the injectors in there obviously cos I'm flashing it. It runs, runs like a stock xr6t with bigger injectors hehe. (Fuel whore)

I bought the flash tuner off a bloke who returned his back car back to stock ecu'ness before selling it to me. On the sheet it came with it has "Led P1: Valet Led P2: 8 PSI Led P3: 10 PSI"

I'm pretty impatient about waiting to get it tuned, can I try flashing my car with one of those custom calibrations that came with the box? The worst that could happen is the car won't start right?! If that happens then I can flash it back to factory cos the box downloads my stock ECU settings first!?



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If the flash tuner is used, it will need to be reset as it is VIN locked to the origional car.

I doubt it would upload a tune to your car, but it could also stuff up the stock ECU.

I would get to a tuner ASAP and get them to tune it up. Even with stock Edit tunes, your car will run like crap because of the bigger injectors.

I suggest you go and buy any other go fast bits before you see the tuner so you can get it retuned with any new mods you plan to get.

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Take the box to your tuner tell them what injectors are in the car and other mods. He should be able to give you a tune in order to drive it to his shop so it can be tuned properly

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