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Scariest Movie Of All Time!?


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Haha, yes all very valid thoughts.

I do remember seeing cross shapes on the walls after watching stigmata late at night (then again that was in my 'experimental' days... :blink:)

What I'm looking for is a movie that actually scares you, it can be a movie that's just sooo creepy that you check the front door three times before going to bed, or one that makes you hit the ceiling when you jump. not looking for gore, not looking for horror, not looking for mentally disturbing films, but scary.

any more???

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The exorsism of emily rose made me miss a night or two of sleep because it was based on a true story. nothing like abit of freddie kruger to make your skin crawl or even abit of jason vorhees. Worst of all Rhinestone!!!

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It's interesting how people have different reactions to the same bit of vision. I saw freddy 1 over 20 years ago when I was about 8 and had nightmares for months after. Movies like 'The Ring' bored me to tears, 13 Ghosts both blew and sucked, the Saw Movies, while very graphic just made me laugh (especially in saw 1 when he rips the top of the toilet cistern off and starts belting the other guy with it lol I was the only one in the cinema to laugh) and made me think what the hell kind of person thought this sh#t up !!

The one that does get me is exorcist, man she just had a look that made my skin crawl and the hairs on my neck stand up straight, added with the voice and the movements her head and her eyes made just freaked me out lol. Dont know why maybe it's because there have been reports of real exorcism's and you relate the movie to that not sure

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quarantine is a pretty fkt up movie watched it at the cinemas couple of weeks ago scared the crap out of everyone in the movies lol the style is like blair witch so its first person but I <3 Bananas it is scary makes u feel like your actually there!

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Event Horizon was a pretty freaky film back when I was younger.

Movies don't really tend to scare me though.

Prime time TV (and the fact that so many people are willing to watch it) is what scares the sh*t out of me...

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Executions, not really a movie but a doco. Was banned in the 90's very scary what people do to each other in real life.

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Irréversible. circa 2002.

It's not so much a horror movie but it is the most shocking and disturbing film I have ever seen.

Did you enjoy it though Dags?

I have to agree with it being the "most shocking and disturbing film" ever....

But I really liked it. I thought it was incredibly well done while being repulsive and brutal at the same time.

After watching it, me and my mates had a saying for when someone was getting screwed over or something got broken ("it's been Monica Belluci'd"). :P

Did you know the first bit, in the gay club, with that pulsating *WHOOOWHOOWHOO* noise in the bg and the constant rocking motion of the camera was actually intended to nauseate the audience to heighten their feeling of disgust and unease. Doesn't come across too well on a TV but in a cinema I can imagine it would've been extremely full on.

My mrs. was there when we watched it too and she still says to this day that it affected her.

That 10 minute shot or whatever it is, in the underpass.... Imagine even acting that!

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I dont think it's a movie anyone could say they enjoyed..but it is a must see film if you can handle the graphic nature of it.

Whilst disturbing and gratuitously violent it maybe, the under lying tone of the film makes it worth watching.

Monica deserves an Oscar for that scene but I dont think the establishment would even watch it let alone rate it, how they and her filmed that sequence is beyond me, it's the kind of shot where you dont want to watch but cant look away...

The director Gaspar Noe's previous film Seul contre tous (I Stan Alone) was just as disturbing but worth watching, they're definitely films you would never see come out of the American machine for the mundane masses.

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