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T56 + 4.1 Diff = Quicker 1/4 Time?


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Keep us informed Rob, I can see us doing battle for the quickest Manual Sedan in NSW!

No worries Pat.

When are you going out next? Those MT's will be an asset.

I might miss the cooler weather for my next run. I want to do a few more mods and get a retune.

What mods have you got lined up?

Just remember Rob that if you go a more aggressive tune AND change diff ratio you may have really trouble keeping it under control.

I have a more docile tune below 4000rpm then all hell breaks loose, so I'll only get into trouble if I do something stupid.

Better to look at your torque graph, not the power graph, if you are comparing with Franks.


I've got an eboost now and the default settings are 0. It only runs 14 psi boost (the actuator size) and I need to step it up for full boost.

I had it the other way around but I prefer it this way, especially for the wet. It is tame on the base setting but press a button and it runs 21psi.

Frank set it up for me. He really knows what he's doing with these things, just ask Jim.

I was comparing the seat of the pants tyre frying aspect, his is heaps more impressive.

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Ha, I guess the power bug has reared it head again for both of us!

I'm going to head towards 400 - or whatever I can get out of the stock turbo, and then we will see what drag times I can pull out of that. I just pray business picks up so I can support a "clutch and CV fund" :innocent:

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How is the new clutch?

You'll have to keep a supply of stock cv's, only $300 a pair. The tow home will cost though!

You might have to start begging or busking. Can you play an instrument?

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LOL, I can play guitar very badly, but if I did it in public it would probably cost me!

The new clutch is good, I've done about 400k's on it now and its getting alot better. When it was first put in I was very worried that I had done the wrong thing! The friction point was on the floor basically and it was very grabby. now it is much smoother and the friction point has come up a fair bit. Still heavy pedal though.

Hopefully I'll be back out in a couple of weeks to get back into the groove of things :innocent:

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One of the blokes thought I had a thrust bearing issue this morning when I drove into work! :roflmbo:

I can't really hear too much inside the car, but I've got that louder exhaust than most so who knows, lol

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  • Moar Powar Babeh
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I have 4.09's in my ute. Want Brian has said is on the money. I prefer the feel of the car with the 4.09's. 1/4 miles times aren't really that important so i can handle the short legs. Around town the car is so much easier to drive and althought you are busier changing up gears the ease of take off and the more flexible gears makes up for it.

My fuel consumption went up aprox 1ltr per hundred at 110kph when i changed from 3.45 to 4.09. I have a cerametallic clutch and i know alot of people have hadder shudder issues with these clutches but i've been lucky. I reckon the 4.09's have alot to do with this as well


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ya know Luke, I reckon you'd be onto something there. I had a cerrametallic clutch and it was bloody horrible around town, it took too much riding to get the car moving, this would lead to shuddering

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I have 4.09's in my ute. Want Brian has said is on the money. I prefer the feel of the car with the 4.09's. 1/4 miles times aren't really that important so I can handle the short legs. Around town the car is so much easier to drive and althought you are busier changing up gears the ease of take off and the more flexible gears makes up for it.

My fuel consumption went up aprox 1ltr per hundred at 110kph when I changed from 3.45 to 4.09. I have a cerametallic clutch and I know alot of people have hadder shudder issues with these clutches but I've been lucky. I reckon the 4.09's have alot to do with this as well


That settles it then.

I'll clean out the garage and make a start on it tomorrow.

I've got a cerametallic plate too, maybe I can do that next.

Thanks Luke

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