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Sunday 31st August Cruise


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I cant come then lol

Only joking! The more the merrier :roflmbo:

Ok just want to make sure everyone's keen for a lengthy cruise before I drive it out tonight & put the map together... I'm thinking the following for meetpoints:

1. Burswood Carpark, same one as all the old cruises started from.

2. Midland Gate or XFT workshop location (yet to decide until I drive it out)

3. Scarborough Beach via Roe & Reid Highway

4. Freo or possibly Booragoon (will suss out parking spots tonight)

5. Rockingham (location yet to be determined)

6. Mandurah Foreshore where there's plenty of parking & heaps of places to grab a bite.

I don't mind if one or a few of these need to be scrapped in order to keep everyone happy but I definitely want it finishing in Mandurah as it is a nice place to relax & grab a feed after a long drive. Any objections please put forward asap as the map will be finalised before this coming Friday.

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  • Member For: 16y 9m
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  • Location: Mandurah W.A

If its ending in mandurah may I sugguest maybe the mandurah marina carpark as there is massive parking plus theres a pretty nice fish and selection places to eat? even a micro brewry :P

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y is most of it always south of the river

If you're unhappy with the locations then by all means, come up with a NOR map & I'm sure it will be used. I don't finish work til 5 or 6pm each day & by that time I don't really want to have to drive 1hr+ to a start point then try navigate around unfamiliar streets/areas til al hours of the night.

If its ending in mandurah may I sugguest maybe the mandurah marina carpark as there is massive parking plus theres a pretty nice fish and selection places to eat? even a micro brewry :P

Sounds ok to me :spoton:

I'm just keen on Mandurah because there's a few nice places to eat down there & lots of parking.

I might give the last leg of the cruise a miss if it finishes up in Mandurah and its night time. We'll see though.

Should only be late afternoon by the time we hit Mandurah Mike so there'll be plenty of time for a quick feed, then drive home & be tucked up in bed by the time Fat Cat comes on tv :roflmbo:

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Hey leave Fat Cat out of this buddy!! :roflmbo: haha

I think I'm just used to living NOR and having everything within a 10 minute drive from my house :P

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