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Hi All,

Brand new to this forum and it looks very impressive!

Just picked up my new wheels yesterday - 2007 BF II XR6T 6sp Auto in Neo. Came with full leather and premium audio (I think).... which leads into question 1.

I'm a bit confused about the difference between prestige and premium audio. How do I know which one I have? I have the bigger colour screen and a six disk changer but I thought the premium audio has nine speakers whereas I think I only have 5.... also, no sat nav or climate control. I noticed that with the car documents came a piece for Where is? nav software. Can my ICC be upgraded to include this?

Secondly, can anyone tell me what the rev limit/ cutout is? I assume there is one??? I gave the old man a drive yesterday and he didn't know he had switched to manual shift and floored it all the way past 6000rpm expecting it to change up!! I don't know whether he backed off or it hit the limiter.... bit worried I may have done some damage. Hopefully the tranny is idiot proof!!

Sorry if this info is already on the site. I have done a bit of a search but haven't found the info I'm looking for.

Would appreciate any help....

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Well wellcome. The experts will be along shortly for the real technical stuff. The 6sp auto which I think your referring too is idiot proof and to some extent bullet proof as well.

Price if you dont mind the question?? And new or used, im guessing last minute runout.

And what state your from always helps.


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  • Sucker
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:violent085: hornet and congrats.

Sounds like you have the premium sound, prestige still has a mono lcd screen from memory. Have you got tweeters on the A-pillars?

The limiter is variable (depending on temp etc.) but it wouldn’t have done any damage...that’s what it is there for :innocent:

oh and BTW :useless:

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Thanks for the info guys.

Iconic - the car is used - first registered in Jul 07. Ex Ford exec car. 19000km. I paid $36800 (sticker price $37888) Dealer wasn't really prepared to negotiate much. There seem to be very very few low kay XR6T's floating round Perth at the moment with what I was looking for (ie 6sp auto, leather less than 30k kms). Looking around on carsales I'm sure I could have picked up something similar in NSW or VIC for around $32K. Bit of a supply/demand thing I suppose and the dealers are well aware of it.

Tab - no tweeters on the A-Pillars. There is what I think is a subwoofer on rear parcel shelf. hmmm. I seem to have a bit of a bizarre trim level. full leather interior but with no floor mats ??

All things being equal would the rev limiter cut in around 6200 rpm?

Promise to have some pics up in the next few days....


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  • Sucker
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You must have prestige then :thumbsup:

I can't recall the exact rev limit, but think it's closer to 5500. The auto changes it though depending on what mood it's in.

The floor mats would just be a tight-arse dealer "oversight". Even straight off the production line you have to option the bloody things :roflmbo:

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