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Self Tuning Via Laptop


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10 minutes? are you serious? mine takes 2 mins max BA2

Tuner makes a change in Advantage3

Program capa flash box from laptop -> 3-4 minutes

unplug from laptop, walk over to car and flash car.. 3-4 minutes.. (go time it..)

that's for a BA.. a BF only takes approx 1 minute to flash the car.

Further to this. the capa flash box does a full erase and full write to the pcm. Hense why it takes so long.

As like sniper. I erase calibration block and reprogram that only. Advantage of doing this on a Blackoak pcm (BA) is that the calibration is located on the external flash chip, which is faster.

If you watch your capa flash box reflash your BA (blackoak), you will notice the lights move slowly for approx 2minutes. That is the internal flash, 440kb in size. Then when they flash fast for the last minute or so, that's the external 1mb flash.

So,given that, the external flash is approx 4 times quicker than the internal flash.

In sayning that the SpanishOak pcm has 1024kb of internal flash, and its all fast, hense why they only take approx 1 minute to reflash

Edited by Headsex
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If you wanna know more nitty gritty about the processors used look up the following..

Blackoak(BA), Freescale PowerPC MPC555

Spanishoak(BF), Freescale PowerPC MPC565

edit: motorola semi is known as freescale ..

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yeah I was aware of black and spanish, spanishoak is massively more powerful than black, something like 5000 pages of code vs. 300

that's what I was told by the boys at FPV a couple of years ago

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yeah I was aware of black and spanish, spanishoak is massively more powerful than black, something like 5000 pages of code vs. 300

that's what I was told by the boys at FPV a couple of years ago

Well to give you a idea.. a BA has 1472kb flash size, and a BF has 1024kb flash size.

Obviously BF is smaller, But there is ALOT of empty space in the BA pcm(which you reprogram every time..)

Calibration data wise, the BA calibration block is approx 130kb in size, the BF calibration block is approx 262kb in size. pretty much double in size..

Double the amount of tables would mean at least 4 times more processing code.

As for the xxxx pages of code, I couldnt comment, I would estimate there is something like would be over 300thousand lines of native code such as C or C+ at least.

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