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Cost Of Custom Tunes


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with all the over heads of a work shop and cost of dyno its fair to say that 500-600 for a tune is ok but what are you getting? a full custom tune or maps that the tunner has for other cars

Edited by steetf6
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a good tuner should have it sorted in no more than 5 runs

5 runs! :nono: That's BS!

If you just want a peak figure then maybe you could get that in 5 runs. If you want a good overall tune then you'll be looking at a lot more.

there is a big difference, because there is a big difference!


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Well I don't know about 5 runs. Last retune that was done on my old car we spent 13 runs on. But that was sorting the boost to be a nice flat line, timing to be as hard as we wanted to push it on and a couple of flashes were used to get the auto settings spot on.

Could have been done in a few runs less, but Danny and myself were fussy with it and wanted the best result for power, economy, and drivability.

Even so if you take into account reflash times for BA and BF over 10 runs there is a BIG difference in time. Almost 10 mins to get the flash from PC to car in a BA, over 10 runs that's 1 hour and 40 mins the car is sitting on the dyno wasting time with just flashing a rough estimate would be a 20 min saving of time between a BA and BF. At even 5 runs there probably 2 hours worth of work. Then there is time taken to put hte car on the dyno, strap it down etc. Take into account the price dyno time ect you could expect to pay 400-500 dollars for a tune that would have 5 or 6 runs put into it. Unfortunate part is, with a more fussy tuner you are paying for wasted time do the reflashing process. Not something that can be helped either.

But yeah as I said, when pricing the tune make sure your tuner of choice can justify his price, you would ask questions if the car spent 2 hours on a dyno, had 5 different flashes put into it and you were asked to pay 1000 dollars for the tune.

Edited by Fat-Tony
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Not as a rule.

Sometimes people still charge heaps for junk. That goes for anything.

I think picking a tuner based on price is a bad idea.

You've spent so much money on the car and the parts to modify it. Why skimp on the tune? It's arguably the most important part!

I'd be picking a tuner based on their reputation and results.

Having access to them is also a good thing. For example, if you live in QLD and your tuner is in VIC then it could make it difficult to sort out any issues that may arise.

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You could...

But I doubt someone that sees the difference in tuning prices as a big deal will be putting anyone on a plane. Do you?

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Adam is 100% spot on.

40+grand for a car and people skimp on the price of the parts to modify and tune it. Not everyone understands these cars PCM or how to tune it. It is designed by engineers for engineers and is far more complex than you could imagine, it's not a VL turbo ffs. It's one good reason why you SHOULD NEVER run a generic tune without at least having it checked over by someone who is competent with these cars.

Yes you could have your tuner fly to you. Problem with that is the car might be off the road for a period of time until the tuner can get to your location. Not to mention having to organise a few cars to be done at the same time to cover the cost of airfares and accom. If you have the ability to do that, it can work out very well.

Edited by Fat-Tony
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