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FG-New Xr6t Ute


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  • Sucker
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:stupid: Certainly is a striking colour!

You can adjust the time the lights stay on through the ICC menu; from memory it's between one and six minutes or something? :+1:

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It's the most outrageous colour I have ever had. When I discussed colours with wife she said anything as long as it wasn't white, blue or silver as they are the only colours we have ever had. She loves it...especially as she is a paddy herself ;-)

Quality of the paint finish is quite good too....so far. No peel to speak of & hopefully has more than a single blow over coating.

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I thought you can turn the auto-lights off using the ICC. The feature is called "follow me home lights" I think, turn it off and the lights should turn off when your turn off the engine when using Auto-Lights.

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very nice hdj80, ive only seen 1 ute in dash but it wasnt a turbo. definitely looks the goods.

as for the rims I would love to get them off you but just realised I haven't got the money to spend :( would love those 19's on my ute lowered

we should go on a cruise in about 6 months time lol

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Hi all

Few updated pics of the FG fitted with genuine FG GT rims. Not much an appearance difference to the stock 19" luxury pack rims (which are up in the for sale section) but I can now fit Brembo's after the 3k km inspection.

Car goes into the dealer for them to look at the AC on Wednesday not even a breath of cool coming out of it, does nothing now just that hissing sound you get when the gas is low which you can hear over the fan.



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How did the Aircon fix go hdj80?..

I assume u have to take it back to Sunshine Ford.But u probably will not in the future right? So far away.I love the layout of that dealership.

Ironically it was when I was there last october lookin at honda's next door.That I first noticed FG series,but never thought I would buy one.

3.5 weeks&2000km as of today& no problems.Worked out how to turn lights off.First time I read the manual since I bought it.

Fractured 2 bones in wrist on friday..And I have a manual..Can drive perfectly well.Except I cannot drive fast at all//6-8 weeks of no fun...and left handed typing is so slow.

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Mate aircon is fixed - low gas and couldn't find any leaks - bet it leaks off again.

I don't last long with hot air on black leather trim - had it booked it the first opportunity. I actually do work on the coast so no real drama driving down and leaving it there.

2 weeks ownership tomorrow and a tad under 1700km. Drove it to just north of Goondowindi and back on the weekend for a boys trip. 19's and low profiles are not real nice on dirt. It was like walking on broken glass but only 3 km to the camp off the blacktop and on a graded track.

Solid as a rock on the highway and the wall of torque is just fantastic on the highway for overtaking. Way too much noise from the rear wall area though. It was quite loud and I sat forward and noticed the noise dropped remarkably. Being 194cm I have the seat right back and my head is right next to the rear pillar. If I sat forward where a normal height person was the noise drops remarkably. I will follow FGXR6TUTE's lead and dynamat and stuff the pillars with dacron to try and kill some of the amplification of noise.

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that DASH ute just looks perfect.. usually I find the FG ute trays to look awkard but it looks just right and balanced there.... very tempting.. I wonder how it would compare to a BA F6 power-wise!!!???

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Not sure how stock BA/BF F6's dyno'd but from what I can see the FG XR6T are dyno'ing 240+ RWKW whilst the FG F6 dyno at 280+rwkw.

Actually did a search BF phoon's went anywhere from 220-250rwkw varying from stock to stock with a filter. So the FG may be higher but not a lot in it at all.

The Ford stated power output is the same with FG having slightly less torque and with a smaller turbo insert for better off boost response but ultimately less ability to really crank things up. However from what I have read 300+rwkw is being achieved with stock turbo. I have read of at least one XR6T that is pulling 315rwkw with nothing more than rear mufflers, an F6 cooler and GT airbox with a tune.

Not sure what people think but tossing up putting FPV style stripes on the ute.....black or white. Just want to break it up a little and if I get sick of them they can come off easy enough.

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  • 2 weeks later...
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Over 6 months and 10,000 km in my FGT ute, put in a CAI, only gets 241 kw at the rw compare to stock 230 kwrw. got two slow punctures at two wheels, those 18" tyres aren't too good for the building sites. Driver side window switches isn't working from time to time, otherwise everything running smoothly. Average fuel consumption is about 13 litre/100 km which give a range around 600 km per tank. It is much better than my previous Mazda 4.0 v6 4wd Freestyle ute. The FGTute is a much nicer car to drive, I too am thinking about those F6 ute stripes....

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