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ive had one for 8 months now, bought it in L.A last year and loved it, ive had 5o diffent phones in the last 2 years and this is by far the best one ive had. ALot of phones are easily damaged and I have given the I phone hell and untill a few weeks back never had an issue with it, I suppose not many phones can take being thrown at a concrete wall and survive lol. Although I hardly used the ipod feature I found it a very easy to use phone once setup and loved how easy it was to msg & scroll through names & address's in it. At the end of the day its just a phone to me but its certainly one I like.

I paid $395 for mine and bought another 100 over and sold them on ebay and made a killing off them, once I knew apple were going to release them over here I didnt buy any more. In downtown L.a alone there's over 5o apple stores & ATT&T shops, your allowed 2 per customer so I just spent a week buying a heap and posted them home. I can only imagine how much they actually cost to make...

Edited by _XRQTOR_
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ive had my 16gb for around 4 months, love it. Haven't had a single problem with it.

Interface is brilliant, add to that the hundreds of free applications available and its a great time killer when you are stuck waiting somewhere.

Got it jailbroken on day 1, and use in on vodafone prepay. I have free Wifi at work and have wifi at home and with the hundreds of free wifi hotspots in the city I have been able to browse the net and do emails any time I have wanted to.

That being said, I will be getting a new 16gb 3g this week (outright no contract), so I can give my current phone to the missus.

watch all the other phone manufacturers play catch up and simply copy its features.

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Money to burn or a smart investment, after shipping & my trip back to l.a I averaged $25o each by the time they all sold. Not bad $$$ for basically a weeks holiday & a months worth of running to an from the post office.

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In downtown L.a alone there's over 5o apple stores & ATT&T shops, your allowed 2 per customer so i just spent a week buying a heap and posted them home.




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The kid found google, your expecting a pat on the back :yikes::blaah: . As I said between Apple stores & At&T stores there are over 5o within an hour of downtown l.a / hollywood area. Spend another 5 mins searching round and you'll understand what im saying.

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Choose to belive it or not but I this is something I do in my spare time & make good money from, iv'e done bulk buys of superchargers, phones, brake's and the likes. If I can make money out of it I'll buy it, most times im usually well under what they retail for so I can move what I have on a regaular basis. Atm I have a few engines on their way back along with a sh*t load of dual 6omm throttle bodies.


And also jump on the apple online store and look up actual locations, there's nearly 25 within an hour of hollywood.

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