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The South East Queensland Chat Thread


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  • Member For: 17y 4m 3d
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  • Location: Carindale, Brisbane
bloody hell mate that is definately a sh.t day. how is he????

Hey thanks mate, he seems all right now, the docs think that one of his arteries is just about blocked again. He had a stent put in about 6 years ago and now and they think its blocked up (a stent is a little thing they push into your arteries to open them up if they're blocking up, but they wear down over time). so he has to take it really easy until next week when they can do more tests to find exactly where the blockage is forming. so he's home and is to stay there, luckily my mum is a nurse and is having til next week off to babysit him.

sh*t Howsee, that's not good at all mate. Hope he's ok. Did it happen at home? How old is he?

yeah mate it all happened at home, he said he didn't feel well so he went and laid down on the couch. from there he developed a really tight chest, pains down his left arm, limited movement and strength throughout his left side, shallow breathing and a really bad headache plus a blood pressure of 200/95. so mum called the ambulance (while I'm busy at work), they rush him in and I get the call that its all happened. luckily he was taken to the mater private and I work at the mater mothers so I didn't have far to go to get to him.

also he's turning 55 this year, his side of the family have genetic heart problems (his dad has had 2 heart bypass ops and my dad has already had a stent put in, so basically its nothing new to us, but something I get to look foward to...) so hopefully he'll stick around til I'm his age!

ahh john that's no good.. hiro should take u out for a nite on the town this weekend :)

thanks matt, yeah a night out with hiro and his f6 is just the thing to get the heart pounding!

I gotta do a drive up to the Sunny Coast on Saturday morning if you want to come for the run John?

mate that'd be great if its no hassle for you, what time in the morning? also would you be able to drop me back in the city or home before 1pm? I'd love to do something to get me out of the place and clear my head lol. give me a buzz on my mobile to confirm everything.

Cheers guys

Edited by Howsee
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  • Hey guys, Tab is here... Oh i feel sick
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Where's good Mitch? Im thinking anywhere by the beach there.

hot pipi's in mooloolaba, its right on the beach, great food and hot chicks workin there. its under the landmark resort across from the surfclub. or just walk along the esplanade there are tonnes of places

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  • Member For: 17y 1m 3d
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  • Location: Sunshine Coast, QLD

For anyone else interested, Jamie and I are going to do the first stage of the last cruise again tonight. Meeting at 7.30 at the rustic cabin at the begining of 'Steve Irwin Way' caloundra end at 7.30 tonight. If u dont know where the metting point is just say so and we'll get a map of it up.

Edited by Mitch
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  • blind leading the blind
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  • Member For: 16y 4m 29d
  • Gender: Male
  • Location: Mt Alford, Queensland

that will be an awesome drive. ahh to have the spare coin for fuel :blink: this will be tonight

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