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Lowered My Beast

Toxic Beast

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Finally got my car lowered and drove away feeling DODGED and pissed off ..

My car is a BF mk II and when I called up strut suspension in dandy I told him that and hes like Yep bf mk2 have different front springs.

yer yer we can put these rear springs on that are lower than SSL and compress them in the back... and put SL's in the front if your not happy with the height then we will try other springs until your happy with the height.. and that's $440 fitted and wheel aligned

I reconfirmed where I wanted the car to sit today when I go there, and that they will compress these KHRL 12's at the back.

and was told it will take about 5 hours so if u wana come back..

but luckily I stayed to see what they were doing.

After they removed my rear springs, they walked off with them.. and I said eh where r the kings.. and he said to get it low we have to compress YOUR stock springs..

and I said the agreement was, YOU were to put SSL's at the front and these lower SSL's at the back and compress them ..

and then I got a bunch of F** words in my face and was told that's gonna cost me $200 more and I dont have time to F* round with u .. so take his car off the hoist and cya later..

I told em to put the kings on anyway as this place was the only ones who had these KHRL 12's

(and that I'd go else where to compress em)

AFTER the springs had been placed, my car ended up looking like JMAN's.. the front panel was almost at the level of the 18" rim's..

then they realized my BF MK2 had BA struts?

so they put went to get BA springs for the fronts. and I said we'll can't u put on SSL's at the front since its got BA struts.. and he walks round with his pants falling off and his muffin top hanging out "NO SL's are the ONLY springs they make"

finally they start doing the wheel alignment and said you car is already aligned and we dont need to adjust it. and I told em that the steering wheel pulls to the left on straight roads so it isnt.. and they said well everythings aligned ..

So then I asked for my money back off the wheel alignment and yet another BS answer "NO I charge $440 to fit king springs on their own and I was literally chucking in a wheel alignment for nothing"

__sorry for this long a$$ story but as u would understand Im fairly pissed off as I yet again, got dodged with car stuff..

and pics will b up soon when photobucket is working.

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If they told you they're putting kings in for the price and then tried charging you another 200 for what they originally said you should have taken your car and drove away the moment you realized what was going on.

I'd rather drive for 2 hours each way if I had to then deal with idiots.

Edited by dule
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  • You are a dead set goose
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Fark I hate blokes like that. I had a similar experience with a sh*thead at an exhaust shop in Ringwood.

Tell us who it is so we can all avoid the pricks.

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Fark I hate blokes like that. I had a similar experience with a sh*thead at an exhaust shop in Ringwood.

Tell us who it is so we can all avoid the pricks.

was your exhaust shop "ACE EXHAUST"

they were my first dodgy car place back when I drove an n/a


yer they always seem nice over the phone and tell u they will look after you etc. .but its a complete story when u go down there

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If they told you they're putting kings in for the price and then tried charging you another 200 for what they originally said you should have taken your car and drove away the moment you realized what was going on.

I'd rather drive for 2 hours each way if I had to then deal with idiots.


I would have told him to bash his springs up his arse. Preferably uncompressed.

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