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Lowering Car - Will Springs Fall Out?

Toxic Beast

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I was wanting to get my xr6t sedan lowered within the week.

I've been quoted $350.. is that the best price or are there better places in melbourne that can do it cheaper?

I'm just getting the usual Kings SL (Front) SSL (back)

but to get it to the height I want it,

Front panel being about 2 fingers from the tyre

and back panel being 2 fingers below the tyre .. I would obviously have to get them compressed..

One place I called up was recommending not to do it but he can do it for me, but that whenever I jack my car up .. the springs would fall out as theres nothing to hold them up.

but I thought after reading a few posts.. they would only fall out if its RIDICULOUSLY low (panel infront of the rims on a 17 ")

Any recommendations and advice appreciated..

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damn.. is it easy to put back in ?? or are you stuffed ..

I think I need to find a new place to get my car lowered.. the joint I got quoted $350.. I went to double check with them just before if they would actually compress the springs.. for starters he said NO... and 2ndly he said "theres no such things as SSL for the ba/bf's.. the dont make them" ?


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damn.. is it easy to put back in ?? or are you stuffed ..

They are easy to put back in when they fall out, it's just getting them to stay there when you are putting it back down that is the tricky bit :blink:

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Get shortened shockers that will keep your springs captive...

Bilsteins can have spacers inserted to limit extension.

Give Centerline suspensions in Thomastown a call on 9469 2914.

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$350 is about right... that's how much I paid and I did ring around and that was the cheapest... They also said that there is no such thing as SSL for the back, they called them ultra lows, but it is the same thing..

They were hesitant, cause they had to chop the bump stops and they kept asking me "is this really what you want" lol.. The guy that works on my car is also the owner of the place so that was good.. Ended up buying my rims and go there for anything to do with tyres and suspension..

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Get shortened shockers that will keep your springs captive...

Bilsteins can have spacers inserted to limit extension.

Give Centerline suspensions in Thomastown a call on 9469 2914.

Thanks buddy.

I'll give em a call 2moro..

I jsut wana find a place that will lower it to the height I want without trying to rip me off saying the same old bs "oh, I've gotta compress the springs so that will take time and will cost another say $100 $200"

but I was told that even getting shortened shockers wont even help the situation and is fairly useless, but again that's what one of the places told me when I rung them.

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