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Yeh the FG XR6T is a better car apart from the:



FPV 19" Wheels


Bigger Turbo

FPV Seats

Steering Wheel

Gauges in Pod


Available parts to modify


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Yeh the FG XR6T is a better car apart from the:



FPV 19" Wheels


Bigger Turbo

FPV Seats

Steering Wheel

Gauges in Pod


Available parts to modify


Brakes I know about, I believe that it's not that much more expensive to upgrade rotors, pads and lines.

Suspension, I thought the FG's suspension was completely different from the BF and made the FG handle better (I haven't driven either, hence why I'm asking these questions)

19" wheels, most...nay all the reviews I've read have mentioned that the 19" wheels do nothing for the handling except make it harsher.

Bodykit...so? does it make it faster?

Bigger turbo...so it has 17Nm more torque, same power, but is less efficient then the FG?

FPV seats, that would be nice as I've heard that the FG's seats are a bit soft and don't hold you in place.

Steering wheel...what's better about the FPV wheel?

Gauges from memory don't actually have any increments on them do they? Or was that only in the older ones? Anyway, I don't know what that stuff means!

Looks is subjective, I think they are both good looking cars.

You can't modify an FG XR6T?

Also, maybe have a look at my original post above and see what questions I asked there...


Doesn't look as tough, but I'm in the group that likes the look of the FG

I'll be going manual and I believe the new box is better then the BF's (or are they the same?)

Same power with better fuel consumption

I believe they are about the same time down the strip and to 100km/h (within a coupla tenths, close enough that the driver makes the difference)

Better suspension = better handling then the BF,

More modern interior with more gadgets.

More advanced Stability, traction etc control.

Is that about right?

Edited by Mish
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Yeh the FG XR6T is a better car apart from the:



FPV 19" Wheels


Bigger Turbo

FPV Seats

Steering Wheel

Gauges in Pod


Available parts to modify


I agree entirely and I was faced with the same choice when I bought my phoon a couple of months back, and I'm now damn sure that I made the right choice !! all of the above reasons are more that enough

and to top it off when it came to mods I only had to spend just over $2k to push it to over 300kw at the wheels, from what I've seen you have to spend a fair amount of cash on a T to get over the 300rwkw mark

dont get me wrong the FG is a nice package, I went back and test drove them twice before deciding but am happy with the direction that I chose

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Maybe if you are going to keep the car stock then the XR is better, but for those wanting an easy 350+rwkw go the F6.

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The only power mods I'm looking at doing is an exhaust maybe. Otherwise, just brakes and suspension/sway bars is all I'd be looking at...

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Its a tuff choice,I have the same delema atm, but think ill go the Fg as I have kids,Fg has a 5star ancap wich will be cheaper to insure than my baxr6t which is worth alot less.

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