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This website cracked me up, of my apple groupy mates actually sent it to me a few weeks back.....

One thing PC users can do that Mac users can't


Am pretty sure there’s plenty swaying the other way.

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im working for an old lady fixing her ceiling at the moment, and she has an old imac, and she told me that in 3 years (of being a novice home user) she hasnt had a single virus or spyware related problem. THAT ALONE is enough reason to get one.

I have been using a pc for over 10 years, running windows 95, 2000, xp and now vista... I have never had spyware or a virus related problem so um THAT ALONE in enough reason to get a PC :surrenderwave:

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If you went out and payed more for a HP or Lenovo business PC for $2,000 you will have a PC that would be equal or more reliable than a Mac.

There is a very good reason why 90% of the world uses Windows/PC and this is because it works well. The only reason Apple is gaining in popularity is because it has a great OS and can also run Windows when required.

I am not saying Macs are bad, but most Mac users seem to live in fantasy land when they talk about "never" having issues with their machines, when they have the same amount of problems as a PC/Windows user.

I hear you ZAP, but I still struggle to grasp the PC vs MAC (at equal spend) = PC better. Hardware wise, definitely a huge possibility. OS, software compatibility and viruses wise, definitely not. We can agree to disagree on this one.

PC's definitely aren't holding the market share due to them working well. The monopoly is due to them being the first real solution that was widely marketed to the masses. They had the best product up-front, people got on board and now it's hard to sway away to do compatibility and the sense of normality/comfort the owners have (or the fear of changing to Mac).

I'm not sure on your "fantasy land" comment either mate. "Same amount of problems as a PC user" is miles from being accurate, as most PC users don't buy the quality units you talk about. They buy the Dell bullsh*t. If you compared reliability based on $ spend, you very well might be spot on. The reality is that most PC users are in the lower end of the market where the product is crap. Macs work at the $1,500 end or at $20,000

I have been using a pc for over 10 years, running windows 95, 2000, xp and now vista... I have never had spyware or a virus related problem so um THAT ALONE in enough reason to get a PC :surrenderwave:

Connect it to the internet. :stirthepot:

Oh and gimme your email address. :evil:

Edited by Grudgee
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Zap, explain why Mac's are the tools of the trade for all graphics / 3d / motion graphics etc

bit ignorant there with such generalised comments mate.

Mac's are popular due to having well thought out interfaces, simple operation, you dont have to fight with your computer to get it to do what you want, or have a degree in programming...


Edited by Full Monty
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All Macs are intel now.

Macs are far superior to PCs, but they cost more. I'm an avid Apple user, as I'd rather pay more for reliability and stability. Macs just work and you don't need to run the virus gauntlet and hit updates galore. Gaming is the one area I can see PC's being the leader, but not much else if you have a healthy $ budget.

PC users will scream that they can build a PC that is as fast and powerful as a mac for half the price, but that's like saying I can make my Hyundai go quicker than you porsche; of course you can, but it's not the same end product. Anyhow, who the f*ck wants to build a computer when you can buy a kick-arse one off the shelf that'll be a cracker.

Macs are far superior to PCs, I beg to differ

I can tell you now I work in IT and I wont scream ill tell you its true I can build a pc for half the price. and its twice as good I dont have any problems with my pc at all I also dont get virus.

do you have any idea what it cost to fix a mac? its not cheap they do break trust me. reliability and stability if you get anything that's not MAC there is hardly any support for you. if you buy a nokia N95 and want to use it as a modem GOOD LUCK. it can be done if you know what you doing but my point is if not apple branded and the company does not have software for it your f*cked.

they only reason they go all the time is because there are a laptop you cant do anything to, the OS is not filled with 3ed party gear it only has software for mac.

if my dvd rom was to break or I wanted another one I can get one for $40 same with hard drive. plenty of apps you can put on a pc. also plenty of games and I dont have any problems with HD video or CAD or Photoshop.

if I want to smell my own farts and drink my espresso coffee and pat my self on the back that I went to uni for 5 years and I know everything about the world but know really know nothing ill buy a mac. :Welcome2FordXR6t:

sorry for the flack but every time I get a Mac customer they talk down to me and act like there are some superstar dead set gets on my nerves.

all in all if your going to get on the internet and email macs arnt that bad OVERPRICED but not that bad.

if you want to play games and use lots of devices and programs get a PC.

if you have VISTA turn off UAC is causes so much stuff to fail its not funny. to turn it off click START> Control Panel> classic view top left corner > User Accounts > at bottom of the page with a shield click Turn User Account Control on or off. if a box comes up click continue > untick the box then click OK > and then say yes to the restart.

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I have to agree with Zap on this one.

I work in publishing, and we, as have a few others in our field, happily dumped our Macs in favour of PCs. The majority of graphics houses still use Mac, but that is more out of habbit now, rather than necessity. Half of our photographers have also dumped their Macs in favour of PCs due to reliability, the necessity to communicate and transfer files easier, price and ease of operation.

PCs have come a long way in the last five years for graphics work.

Our Macs certainly weren't more reliable than our PCs, with constant breakdowns, which required specalist attention.

The Macs were OK as a stand alone prospect, but on a network they were a nightmare. Their network communication skills are simplistic compared to PCs, and they often caused our entire network to grind to a halt. Often with the Macs, if a file was moved on the network, the Macs would refuse to accept that and would continually try to access the file where it used to be, locking themselves up in the process.

And, if Macs are so great with graphics, why the hell do they need to create seperate files for every image so they can be viewed as a thumnail.

But the bit I hated the most (and I know the latest generation stuff is better) was the fact that while we had no problems accessing and reading Mac files from our PCs, the Macs refused to read or access PC files.

Never again!

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  • Dr. Speed
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This website cracked me up, of my apple groupy mates actually sent it to me a few weeks back.....

One thing PC users can do that Mac users can't


Am pretty sure there’s plenty swaying the other way.

WAAAA HAHAHAHA! :Welcome2FordXR6t: It's funny coz it's true...

I wasn't going to wage into the "my mac is bigger than yours debate" but now that I'm here...

I'm anti mac.

The one and only good thing about them is they look nice - that's it for me.

Way overpriced, shoddy hardware, hard to decipher at a technical level, built for retards basically. Which is fine - if you are a retard - but when it come to DB administration, software development, graphic design and media my big banger PC stomps them hands down for half the price. And that BS about never getting virus’ is because hackers want to infect the most people possible and don’t bother with BS mac users. Wait till someone writes a decent virus aimed at mac’s and then see how they handle it. Then your arts degree will come in handy whilst crying to Mummy.

And I’m also not one of these windows lovers either. I’m so anti vista it’s not funny. I still run XP on my private machine. I go for stuff that actually works – but mac’s aint it at the moment.

Peace out….

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plenty of apps you can put on a pc. also plenty of games and I dont have any problems with HD video or CAD or Photoshop.

No problems with CAD on a Mac, TurboCAD is just one example of available software... the only one that isn't available is AutoCAD.

Photoshop, no problem there... Adobe made photoshop on Mac long before it made it for PC. Photoshop, illustrator, indesign, dreamweaver, flash... anything... all available.

HD video? Don't have a problem with that either.

Plenty of apps you can put on a pc, plenty of apps you can put on a mac...

Games, refer to my previous post regarding consoles. Although, the gaming situation is improving rapidly.

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