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  • Member For: 18y 3m 12d
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Why would you buy an Intel? That sort of goes against the theme doesn't it?

intel is just the processor, the cheapest one around.

you get these windows freaks, that love windows to death, and then they go on about linux and how great it is, and that's just mac anyways.

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  • Member For: 18y 3m 12d
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Why would you want to buy an overweight falcon on roids and then modify it when you can just buy a porche straight from the dealer? :nod:

are you for or against the mac, im confused.

What's windows got to do with linux?

nothing at all, there complete opposites.

but these windows lovers that I keep running into seem to rave on about how good linux is, even though its difficult to use.

mac is just easy linux.

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  • Member For: 18y 3m 12d
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All Macs are intel now.

Macs are far superior to PCs, but they cost more. I'm an avid Apple user, as I'd rather pay more for reliability and stability. Macs just work and you don't need to run the virus gauntlet and hit updates galore. Gaming is the one area I can see PC's being the leader, but not much else if you have a healthy $ budget.

PC users will scream that they can build a PC that is as fast and powerful as a mac for half the price, but that's like saying I can make my Hyundai go quicker than you porsche; of course you can, but it's not the same end product. Anyhow, who the f*ck wants to build a computer when you can buy a kick-arse one off the shelf that'll be a cracker.

I agree totally with that, the games argument will only be good for a short time longer though, because all macs come with good video cards, and lack of software support (game wise) I think will be a thing of the past as apple is now the 4th largest pc manufacturer last time I checked.

anyways I have my console for games. its just crazy that windows has been popular for so long, I think its because governments had macs, and they were too easy, so the governments of the world cant be seen to be efficient, because it reduces beurocracy. so they went with windows and dos and all that sh*te. that's my opinion anyways.

nsw transport made the complete switch to mac, and apparently their TCO of equipment is nothing now. police still use macs, last time I was locked up they were anyways.

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Neither - was referring to Grudgee's post :nod:

you must have an opinion? what do you use?

ive been told by my cousin whos a C.T.O. gone C.E.O. that their not good for business, but I cant see why because they do everything windows does.

I remember years ago you could walk into myer and choose from at least 5 totally different computer platforms, which all had their strengths and weaknesses, and since then theres been just windows.

it would be good to go back to where you have more of a choice. like theirs ford, and holden, and hyandai, you know what I mean.

Can apple mac's run hacked programs like normal pc's?

ANYTHING you can do on a pc, can be done on a mac, but easier.

I dont care what it is.

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Don’t see a need to compartmentalise everything, so no I don’t have a “preference”.

Have used both, Macs sh*t me in a business sense, PC’s sh*t me in every sense but are typically easier to deal with.

As a side-note the whole virus argument is crap. Have never had a virus on any of my PC’s, nor at work on a network of about 50odd. A PC in an unknowledgeable persons hands will inevitably lead to trouble, where as a MAC simply is that restrictive it’s almost impossible to get in to trouble. :nod:

ANYTHING you can do on a pc, can be done on a mac, but easier.

I dont care what it is.

No offence intended, but you don’t seem to be a very tech-savy person, so that’s a pretty big claim to make.

Everything that you need to do perhaps.

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  • Member For: 18y 3m 12d
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Don’t see a need to compartmentalise everything, so no I don’t have a “preference”.

Have used both, Macs sh*t me in a business sense, PC’s sh*t me in every sense but are typically easier to deal with.

As a side-note the whole virus argument is crap. Have never had a virus on any of my PC’s, nor at work on a network of about 50odd. A PC in an unknowledgeable persons hands will inevitably lead to trouble, where as a MAC simply is that restrictive it’s almost impossible to get in to trouble. :nod:

I had a business for several years, and my sole earner of $$$ from this business was driving to clients houses (corporate and home) fixing virus and spyware problems on windows machines, I can honestly say that I have had 2 phone calls over several years to fix a mac.

I ran a network with a similar size amount of end users, windows server 2003, windows xp and 2k, and there was two of us doing it, you cant say that you never had a virus, or spyware.

im an MCP among other things, so you cant tell me that windows, on 50 desktops, does not have problems, that would be total sh*te, otherwise, why would you even be employed to do the job you do. you must run antivirus on those machine

anyway, even though I understand what you said, why should a computer user have to have any knowledge of a computer to operate it safely? (you said unknowledgeable)

I agree with you that pcs probably are easier to deal with at the moment, because the training is in place, and the courses are out there. but I could easily go and do an apple course, so could anybody, but im not sure I'll need to.

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