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F6 Vs Xr6t


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Ok Guys/Girls

Enough tests coming through now on pre production F6's and XR6T's to say that at least at present the F6 ---despite increased KW is no faster that XR6T. So what to make of this; As a declaration I Own a BF F6 but REALLY like the new FG F6 model --which I have driven.

My feeling in the drive was everything smoother and the car MUCH better built but NOT much faster --SO lets look at the facts. A couple of magazines --both side Tasman have driven XR6T and found it to be fast; Same magazines have found F6 not much faster and this is not surprising.

What makes a car fast?? Well Power, how it is applied(Torque) and above all Weight. Now is the FG --in all models more powerful -well yes, Does it have more Torgue?--well Marginal and above all does it WEIGH LESS,--well no!!!

So what does this mean' When figures were first released I was and still am doubtful that the FG would be Much faster than BF2 simply because the figures have changed so little. Yes power is up BUT torgue has hardly moved and weight certainly hasn't changed significantly.

Drive.Com as you know has recently shown F6/R8 comparison and of note times 0-100 5.1 and 0-400m 13.1------ Very slightly faster than BF2 and confirmed in at least 2 other magazine tests.

Doesn't This seem like HSV R8 and SS Late model camira when first released. Times again on both side of Tasman very similar in tests; It would appear you buy an HSV or FPV of what ever flavor for the overall package NOT the outright performance. This of course includes brakes.supension, prestige etc.

What Ford offers that Expensive Daewoo doesn't seem to do is an upgrade path. --Buy an XR6T and put in all upgrade packs and bingo--performance and some spare change.

The other thing that people seem to have forgotten is that this model has 18 months to runout! What that means in AUSY I am not sure,- but here in NZ it means nearly 15-20% of list price depending on how late you time your order!


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I reckon these FGs are already so quick they're pretty far along the scale of diminishing returns. Each shaving of 0.1 seconds off the 0 - 100 time takes more and more effort (ie power/torque) the quicker you go. It's a lot easier to go decrease your 0 - 100 time from 9 to 8 seconds then it is from 5 to 4.

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Fair enough--does seem a bit long winded. :buttrock: All I was trying to say is that I have always doubted that FG would be much faster than BF simply because not much has changed in terms of specs. Also I am not surprised XR6t is now as fast as F6 despite less power because it weighs less.


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I reckon these FGs are already so quick they're pretty far along the scale of diminishing returns. Each shaving of 0.1 seconds off the 0 - 100 time takes more and more effort (ie power/torque) the quicker you go. It's a lot easier to go decrease your 0 - 100 time from 9 to 8 seconds then it is from 5 to 4.

well put

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F6 is quicker than XR6T, even though a few mag tests haven't really shown it due to the power starting to overwork the rear tyres. One thing that does show the F6 making the quoted extra grunt is the 80-120 acceleration tests. One F6 has recorded a 2.7 second time which is 911 Turbo fast.

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The question is how fast will they be down the quarter? 13 flat, possibly even into the 12's? Wouldn't that be a phenominal achievement in a 45k car..

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