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Fitting Up The Surge Tank

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  • Hench, but no longer shredded or tanned.
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Basically I've fitted it all up correctly..

Injector rail line goes to the Pump, the regulator goes to the 3rd fitting on the Surge tank, the 2nd fitting goes to the bottom fuel line (attached the the fuel filter) and the top one on the fuel tank return line. I then filled her up about half a tank wroth of 98.

Okay so She's all fitted nicely, anyways I've turned it on, and initially it runs like a dog, but it comes good (I'm thinking just air in the system) give her a few rev's and then hop in and drive around the block making sure Everything is okay.

I've got back to my garage, and it starts running rough again, missing etc. try to give it some revs but its really missing, I can get up to about 2 grand really slowly then back down but It's really not running right.

So I've turned it off, gave it a couple of mins, clicks over and starts but it then starts running Terribly and stalls, I then gave it about 20mins. I've come back and started her up, okay it stalls again. so I try once more and give it a little rev once I started it and it runs fine.

I've let it run for about 5 mins at idle and everything seems normal (yep I can hear the FANTASTIC pump working its noisy magic haha) okay so I've reversed her out and taken it back up the street and it starts being a dog again and it stalls..

Luckily someone saw me and gave me a push back to my place (great neighborhood!) and yeah That's where I'm up to with my car at the moment.

And I was thinking I'd be able to drive it to Simon's.. lol

Any Idea's guys? I was thinking too much Air in the system but surely it cant be this bad? OR a defect fuel pump, I'm not sure.


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Hmmm, seems like a fuel problem.

You're running deka's right. Yeah that's got to be it for sure. sh*t injectors.

Seems like you are not getting enough fuel under load. Put the lines back to stock and see if the intank pump is up to the task and is not causing the issue and go from there.

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  • Hench, but no longer shredded or tanned.
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Spent the last two days making sure they are all in their correct positions, which they are. I'll be taking pictures of underneath once I get home today see if anyone else can shed some light on this.

It's starting to look like a defect pump although I hope it's just something minor.

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have you checked to see if your intank pump is working.

sounds like your running empty on the surge tank.

are you running the power to the o44 from the 86 of the fuel relay.

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Yeah it could be bodgy wiring resulting in not enough power to the 044.

You really should set up another relay for the new pump.

I have 3 pumps on my car (intank and 2x 044) and it has 3 seperate relays all with a direct power feed from the switched 12v post on the fuse box.

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  • Moar Powar Babeh
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Is the surge tank pump running through a relay? Double check your earth and +ve feed to the pump to ensure your not getting excess voltage drop once the pump is under load.

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  • Hench, but no longer shredded or tanned.
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  • Location: Canning Vale, W.A

Thanks guys I'll be checking the wiring when I get home.

So a separate relay might be needed? I've been searching for threads on people who have fitted this themselves but it doesn't look like many are as 'DIY' as myself with this setup :(

I've currently just tapped the power directly from the fuel relay 'pink wire' it DOES work as I can hear it but, at times the sound disappears, So this could mean it's either a defect pump or there's not enough power there.

With the wiring I've just attached the earth to the chassis of the car (near the ECU under one of the random bolts there)

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  • Moar Powar Babeh
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Personally i would run a fused relay with a direct battery +ve supply and earth. Use your current power supply to switcth the relay on and off. Its sounds like your running out of juice when you putting both pumps under load and thus no fuel. I wouldnt be suprised if your stock fuel pump relay is overheating and causeing the drama's.

Edited by Buf-Phoon
The Usual
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