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Adding Rca Pre-outs To Icc Guide Is Here


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I have a lemon I think. I've done the following now.

-Tested sub and amp through computer and works fine, used the 5m RCA leads with them.

-Checked board for bridging on heaps of points and looked fine

-Checked that all RCA outs were open from signal to sheild

The problem is ICC side, I have a crappy pair of computer speakers that I plugged into the RCA outs and everytime the sound from the factory speakers cut out and the computer speakers played nothing. Quadie runs his factory speakers and 2 RCA's like what I'm attempted and his system works.

WTB: VIC - Sh!tty ICC

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This will be added into the guide after I write up stuff for quadie.


After following the guide exactly I had a problem where my speakers would cut out once I plugged RCA leads into the pre-outs I just installed. The problem was in the stereo, not any other amplifier or speaker components.

Music would not come out of the speakers, but the CD kept ticking over without a problem.

Theory of how I fixed it:

I overcome the problem by preventing the low line going into the amp on the stereo board. To do this I removed some cross over bars and the soldered a signal wire in its place, thus all signal would be diverted to the RCA and not split between the amp and pre-out.

The two best locations to do this were right near the pins in the guide, and the other was on the board that sits above the CD reader (b!tch to get out).

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This will be added into the guide after I write up stuff for quadie.


After following the guide exactly I had a problem where my speakers would cut out once I plugged RCA leads into the pre-outs I just installed. The problem was in the stereo, not any other amplifier or speaker components.

Music would not come out of the speakers, but the CD kept ticking over without a problem.

Theory of how I fixed it:

I overcome the problem by preventing the low line going into the amp on the stereo board. To do this I removed some cross over bars and the soldered a signal wire in its place, thus all signal would be diverted to the RCA and not split between the amp and pre-out.

The two best locations to do this were right near the pins in the guide, and the other was on the board that sits above the CD reader (b!tch to get out).

I wonder why no one else seems to of had this issue? You could of also just removed the Audio Output IC entirely. You did say that you tried this with ALL of your speakers disconnected from the ICC?

any word on the voltage people are seeing through the RCA's from this mod?

Yeah about .5.5vish P-P at around 70% volume level. So around 200ish mV rms. Its pretty low.

Edited by hanra
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Yeah all speakers disconnected and it still failed to fire through the RCA's. I left the audio IC in because I'm not running front speakers through an amp, but yeah it did not work at all if I tried to split the low line between the RCA and the IC. Maybe it has something to do with my IC have a slightly different part number, even though the data sheet said they were the same. Weird.

Also does using the 2 RCA pre-outs to a 4 channel amp half the signal strength if I use an RCA splitter into the amp?

Edited by MICKAJ
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