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Wheel Bearings


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Just had new pads fitted, and was explaning to the guy that whenever I go over bumps I hear a popping sorta noise, I thought it was my shocks because they are over 100,000kms old and my car is lowered with SSL's and SL's, usual wear and tear.. He had a look and said my front left wheel bearing is crap and is gonna price me up a new one..

Just wondering, how much $$ im looking at?

He also said it can be dangerous if not fixed soon...

Also my tyres arent wearing evenly, it dips in the centre on the tyre, can anyone explaon whats wrong??

Sorry for all the Q's..

Cheers Mike...

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Sounds like you've got to much air in the tyres.

That is what you need. The hub assembly is replaced along with the wheel bearings.

Your mechanic is correct. They can be dangerous. If the bearing falls to bits or seizes you'll know about it.

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Thanks for that Adam...

So with the bearings is there a 'good' brand or should I get it off Ford and get ripped? Does the ebay one look like a good buy?

Hmmm too much air.. I check them once a week, and only when the tyres are cold, usually 2 min drive to the servo.. I have 19's, cheap tyres and TTF (tyre factory) said 40psi...

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Like anything some brands are better than others.

Can't hurt to get a price for the genuine part. If it's reasonable I'd buy them. I prefer genuine parts.

I wouldn't buy them off ebay, but that's just me. Alternatively Repco or Burson's would have decent quality spares.

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I just changed my front left wheel bearing, it cost me $80 for one side, I got it from CBC.

Also, I did this myself, and I would suggest that you DO NOT attempt this at home. Even with the shed full of tools I still only just walked in side. I also changed Brakes and pads oil too.

It would have to be one of the worst designs I have ever worked on.

You will need 32mm socket just too get the nuts off, and there are four of them. All about 5mm thick, and also there is the locking clam that goes over all of them, and that’s impossible to get out. If your bearing is stuffed, it could've also heated up and welded it self the shafted. And than you will need to that the whole thing off the car and use a press to get the old hub off.

If you do want more info, let me know.

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Ok theres no chance in hell I'm gonna do this myself lol... I was amazed that I got my wog cooler and other assorted pipes on, they took me two days LOL...

Wheres/whats CBC?? Would it be better getting both sides done at the same time as the other might be close to letting go aswell??? Or just wait and see?

Cheers for the info...

BTW hows ya Headsex tune goin..??

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After a bit of searching I found this.. http://www.conbear.com/ Im guessing its the same people that Hgracer89 is talkin about.. Best thing is that they have a distributer about 5 mins from where I work...

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