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Stupid Behaviour On The Road


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Haven't actually done it myself but I hear unpopped popping corn in the muffler is a good laugh when the exhaust heats up.

Back at highschool we used to get 5-6 guys to lift and turn this chick's camira sideways in the car park then park one of our cars on either side of it. Then just catch a lift home with a mate. lol

I have HEARD of some very bad people impersonating police in XRs. Flash highbeams and foglights intermittently while indicating left and right at equal intervals. Not doing anything too hectic just making people pull over to the side of a quiet suburban street late at night then taking off. Never actually done it though. Nope. :laughing:

One of my old housemates used to have a megaphone rigged up in the engine bay of his dunga EB with the mouthpiece running into the cab. Was soooo funny yelling abuse at random pedestrians or waiting for some numpty to cut you off or whatever and then give em what for. :shocked:

We also managed to get hold of one of the McDonald's drive through headsets and sat in the bushes near the speaker box causing absolute havoc :roflmbo:

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One of my kiwi mates told me that in his younger days in NZ he used to drive around in a left hand drive mustang. Then get somebody in the passenger seat with an unattached steering wheel. When along side someone, driver ducks down and passenger screams and acts like he is panicing because the steering wheel has come off. Ahahahahaha.

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Mate of mine that used to have a sprinter with a quick release wheel, driving down the freeway takes it off & waves it out the window at another mate following. Wasn't quite as funny when it wouldn't go back on so he had to use vice grips to keep the car straight for about 100m.

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my favourite trick is to grab a couple of handfulls of grease and cover the exhuast system.. and then follow the car with friends... after a couple k's the car begins to smoke and the people jump out thinking the car is on fire.... heeee

that and a some coat hanger wire on the tailshaft... ker clunk ker clunk ker clunk

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Driving in Sydney downtown - a dude pulls out of a side-street in a stock Falcon, in a hurry and cuts me off. So I catch up to him at next set of lights, pull in so close to him in the next lane that my side mirror hooks on his and pulls his completely off - wires break and all falls on the ground and my rear wheel crushes it.. He gets out first - and then shows me his badge; an undercover copper.... Drug squad dude... :gfight:

Edited by CountryPhoon
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As a apprentice mechanic we used to put bottles of brake fluid with a vac hose from the motor stuck in it.

For anyone who has seen what brake fluid does through a motor, well lets just say it creates an awsome THICK white smoke that just lingers.

The other thing we did when young was pull the handbrake of my car as I was slowing down for a red light. People in the car infront thought I was going to rear end them.

All the dumb things we have all done on the road......

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