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The Ultimate R Spec


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I've had the car for 3 months now and intended to just swap a few go fast bits off the BA Phoon and leave it at that but the best made plans often go astray and the mod bug bit. I was cruising along the other day remembering a Phase 11 HO I owned back in 1978-79, it had a pretty hot Windsor in it with a Holly 850 double pumper and was no slouch in its day :3gears: . But it would be no match for even a standard R Spec in terms of Performance, Handling, Stopping, Comfort, and features.

In the past 4 months I have fitted the following.

X Force 4' inch dump with twin 2.5 system.

Seimens injectors

ETM Turbo oil supply filter

Kompact Blowoff Valve

Pole Position under bonnet bling

Plazmaman Intake & Drycell battery

Process West Stage 2 Cooler

Process West Surge Tank with 440 pump

Process West Plenum

SuperPro Front Lower Control Arm Bushes

Whiteline 27 and 22mm swaybars

Flash Tune

Bilstein Shocks (this thurs)

Braided Brake Hoses (this wed)

Waiting for

Process West Coil Cover

Process West Trans Cooler (hurry up Kevin) :bangcomputer:

Stereo Upgrade

Then done. :bopp:

These mods have produced one hell of a car that can more then hold its own in all quarters for an exceptional value. Now that it's almost there I'm already starting to wonder how long it will be before boredom sets in. :lockd:

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  • Hench, but no longer shredded or tanned.
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quick question, why all process west, then the plazmaman intake?

sounds like a very nice ride! what psi is it at?

Cause he couldn't wait for Mister Kevin to hurry up and make his 4 inch intake, haha

It's at about 16psi, but don't quote me on it.

Any intentions of running it down the strip Rick?

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  • It's All In Your Mind
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Cause he couldn't wait for Mister Kevin to hurry up and make his 4 inch intake, haha

It's at about 16psi, but don't quote me on it.

Any intentions of running it down the strip Rick?

I wouldn't ever run it down the strip, because it takes a skill that I don't have. I'd be quite happy to let Simon have a go though (vehicularly cruel ba$tard that he is). I mostly set it up because I was bored and decided to build a HSV sl;apping road car with long legs and lots of go from anywhere in the rev range. It will fry the tyres on command anywhere under 120 kph and wind itself beyond the 270 speedo stop point without any issues :nyaah:

It runs 14lb at the moment. And I went for the Plazmaman intake because Kevin was on a go slow with the 4". I don't really think it makes that much difference unless chasing 100ths of a second.

Dags. I will have to keep it more than 6 months the way Kevin is dragging his heels on the bloody trans coolers. Actually I think this one will be going away in the shed for a silly toy because they have a 6 speed maual "Ego" R Spec at Titans and apparently it's the last one in the state and 1 of only 3 left in Aus. Now that the FG is all go I reckon Titans would do a really good deal on it to let it go. So I am tempted VERY TEMPTED :roflmbo:

Edited by hypnodoc
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  • It's All In Your Mind
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  • Member For: 21y 4m 4d
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  • Location: Melbourne
great spec list.......just need some proper rotors and pads.

Now theres a thought RACEFPV. What do you suggest?


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