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What Car Should I Buy?


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Correct answer!

The littlest thing will cost a bomb. For starters, plastic radiator end tanks that are known to blow up (old age, brittle plastic). Replacements is over $1K. E36 (which is the model you are looking at).

I had a BMW, and loved it (2004 - E46). Well built, etc, etc. But, they are expensive when stuff goes wrong. The E46 autos were notorious for bad transmissions - try losing reverse after 100,000, with a $5K repair bill.

If you are worried about fuel prices, you will die if you have to fix anything on a BMW.



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My sis has a corolla sportivo, awsome little car, hit 6000rpm and it takes off like its got a turbo and revs to 8000rpm.. She gets around 600-700kms a tank... It may be a bit too exxy though..

Just get a normal corolla, if its only for a year than dont stress too much about it..

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what about a toyota MR2?

Edit: Nevermind, they get about 400-450 per tank 55ltrs so its not that great economy

Edited by EXR6T
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I read on hear all the time about people getting rid of their T's because of the cost of fuel.

The difference between a 9lt/100km econobox car and a 14lt/100km T is 5lt per 100km.

It would take a hell of a lot of driving to break even when you calculate the depreciation of the car, the stamp duty and the total changeover costs.

You would want to be doing over 100,000km before it would even be worthwhile. As others have said, keep the T and pay the little extra and be lighter on the throttle.

You only live once, so you may as well enjoy what you drive :spoton:

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