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Is My Turbo About To Die?


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After reading the thread on MRDOSE's turbo going I thought I'd ask a question to diagnose a noise I can hear, and possibly save my turbo if its the problem..

When my car is cold, I dont drive it hard by anymeans, but as the revs rise a bit, I hear a ticking sound, it gets more consistant as revs rise and louder also.. It goes away when the engins warm.. Im guessing when the engine is warm the oil has luubed evrything and the sounds gone.. I cant think of anything else that may cause this noise apart from the turbo not gettin any oil in the morning..

Is this normal and im making a big deal about it? The rubber grommit in the firewall has almost dissapeared with amp wiring and boost hoses goin through it, thus increasing engine to cabin noise, so maybe I just 'hear' it better than most

Maybe a blockage and the oil doesnt reach the turbo as quick, untill its hot and thinner?

Just throwing some ideas around, and appreciate any thoughts..

The car still goes as hard, despite my bloddy actuator...

Cheers Mike...

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  • Member For: 18y 6m 10d
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  • Location: Melbourne, VIC

Good news...I hope so, but...

It made the sound before and after a service.. Arent the bolts meant to be tightened at each service??

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it was never on my local fords service schedule....

ticking that goes away... I think mine does that but when I asked hiddeous he said it was normal. injectors or something?

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  • Member For: 18y 6m 10d
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  • Location: Melbourne, VIC

Injectors... theres something new... I cant pinpoint when the problem started as to know if the noise was before or after the dekkas went in... hmm, but by your sig im guessing you have standard injectors and you also get the noise??

I hop etm is right...

BTW the car was serviced by a site sponsor, so they should know what needs to be done... so I dont know..

Anyother ideas??

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  • Member For: 19y 8m 8d
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I have only ever heard mine with the bonnet open, so am not too sure after you mention increasing with revs..

I wouldn't describe my leaking exhaust as a ticking though. it sounded like a truck, but a small leak could be the ticket..

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  • Member For: 18y 6m 10d
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  • Location: Melbourne, VIC

Hey Danny, last time wasnt it the pipe in front of the turbo that was leakin.. So you reckon its the exhaust aswell??

What are the chances of you having a look over the weekend if your free??

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