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Bad Idle


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  Outlaw357 said:
:icon_ford: Hi guys! noticed a few people with the dreaded rough idle.

Also interesting to note a few are running K&N oiled air filters.

I have heard of others spending a fortune trying to fix rough idle & this cost you

Nothing but time.

Also may fix that rough change in some autos?

Have a go it may also work for you-

Have a read below. :buttrock:

The Idle Speed Controller Valve, or otherwise known as the Idle Air Bypass System, is responsible for maintaining a smooth, and consistent idle, under different Engine Loads, and temperatures.It does this by allowing a certain amount of air, to bypass the Throttle Body Butterfly, thereby increasing the amount of air entering the engine, under certain conditions, thereby increasing Engine RPM.The Idle speed control valve is controlled by the EEC-V Engine Management system, and is a spring loaded stepped motor, that opens a small valve, that allows air to flow.

It is actually quite common for this valve to get gummed up and slighty jammed, by carbon deposits, oil, and other foreign materials.

This is especially the case if an aftermarket air cleaner, that is oil based (Such as K & N air Filters), as the Oil is slowly sucked in to the Idle speed controller, and slowly blocks off, and jams the air passage and Valve.

Symptoms of a jammed, or dirty Idle Speed Controller include, ·

1) Poor idle quality in cold temperatures. ·

2) Engine stalling under load (Eg Power steering operation, Air Conditioning, etc), under closed throttle (Idle) conditions. ·

3) Rough Gear changes on Automatics when changing from second, to first gear, (Engine speed surging). · 4) Engine RPM surging at idle, for no reason. (I.E. Engine increasing RPM to greater than 1000rpm, for no apparent reason).Cleaning the Idle Speed ControllerThe Idle speed controller can be easily cleaned, and is recommended if the above symptoms exist.

Who posted this?? :wacko: :wacko: :wacko:

The BA-BF and new FG dont have an Idle Speed Control Valve :roflmbo:

BA - FG Falcons all have fly by wire throttle in which the PCM finely adjusts the main throttle body butterfly position to control idle speed!!!!


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