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Thanks, Arron. I've been back since Friday night. But I'm heading back to NSW on Friday... so.... your point?

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  • To Loud
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The hardest bit about organizing a cruise is that you need a co-pilot or a navigation system that allows you to enter way points and share that with others.

I can't be driving and trying to use google maps to work out where we meant to be driving. I am getting to old for that sh*te.

If someone is willing to be co-pilot, I am happy to organize another cruise.

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  • Puff
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Google does all of that and will read it out to you on your phone in navigation mode.


11 minutes ago, masda74 said:

I am getting to old for that sh*te.


Lol things should be getting easier as you get older mate :thumbsup: 

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  • To Loud
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that is correct, but google will always take the shortest path. I need way points and google won't let you do that.

Essentially Google maps is missing the itinerary feature like the tom tom gps navigators.

I have previous tried to setup waypoints using pins or my maps application, but as soon as you open it in navigation, it all goes to sh*te.


If you know how to do it, please do a recording of it using a go pro or something and send it to me in a private message if you want.

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  • Puff
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59 minutes ago, masda74 said:

Essentially Google maps is missing the itinerary feature like the tom tom gps navigators.

Yep it works on pc but not on android.

The way I got it to work on my android phone is by having the start point from "my location". This ensures that navigation is an option.

Because google wants to go via the shortest route you can just add various addresses manually so you end up driving on the roads you want.

I tried sending a "long way" map from my pc to my phone and it still went the shortest route. If you compose the route on the desktop then send it to your phone it would save a lot of time as you can just point and click so to speak.

If you know where you're going or where you want to go like a side road, you can always ignore the navigation and it will pick up from wherever you end up at.


Best I could do :brightidea:

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