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Is Dsc Standard On Xr6t Bf Mark Ii?


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Do all BF Mark II XR6T's have Dynamic Stability Control as standard or was this an option?

How would you know if you have it?

Does a light come on like the Traction Control Light?

Would the light just go on when your pushing the car...?

Anyone know?

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All BF's in the XR range have it.

The FPVs do not

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According to the manual the button for the DSC & TCS are the same and control both.

Every time you start it, the DSC & TCS are on. Holding the button down, and when the light comes on, it means that both are now off.

From what I read, you can't have DSC on and TCS off, or the other way around. It's all or nothing.



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Do all BF Mark II XR6T's have Dynamic Stability Control as standard or was this an option?

How would you know if you have it?

Does a light come on like the Traction Control Light?

Would the light just go on when your pushing the car...?

Anyone know?

Hi there,

I have a BFII XR6T; they all came with DSC standard. There is a light that comes on when *either* traction control *or* DSC kicks in - it's the same light. So yes, the light just goes on when pushing the car.

A quick way of checking if the car has DSC is the light and the button itself. Cars with TC only use a small picture of a single wheel spinning in gravel, whereas cars with DSC use a picture of a car and some skid marks trailing behind it.

I've managed to provoke TC - although less than I expected due to the excellent limited slip diff. I have also managed to provoke DSC, and it's a very capable system.

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