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Wanna Be Able To Launch A Manual Like This?


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  • Member For: 17y 11m 16d
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Do the flat shifting and launch control come as one package, so to speak?

Enquiring minds want to know mate!

What else can you tell us?

Details please!

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  • Member For: 18y 1m 6d

ok well, I dont have alot of time at present but it goes somthing like this...

First you remove the rocker garnish and pair back and expose one of the 2 wires going to each coil pack. You then solder on a wire to each coil without cutting it. These wires are then reinsulated and the rocker cover replaced with an extra bundle coming out the back near the firewall. This then goes inside the car to where you mount the box up behind the dash or similar...

The then have a choice of where to mount your switches... I chose to do a "no holes" install and mount them all in a junction box cable tied to the center console beside my left knee. alternatively, you could use some of the cruise control buttons on your steering wheel or what ever you want.

The idea is is you now have 2 spark cut rev limiters that can be set by pressing a momentary switch for each, and activated by pressing another for each... so you need 4 buttons or switches in total. I use 1 for launch control and the other for a flatshift limiter.

The unit takes a split second to "remember" the rpm at which you hit the button. So its very quick and easy to do as I showed in the vid.

The unit then cuts spark to alternate cylinders to keep the RPM in check when you active it and this happens without the PCM "knowing" whats going on so it keeps the throttle open and fuel injectors squirting. This builds the boost and prevents the blow off valve from opening if the throttle were closed.

Very simple, but very effective.

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whats the go with this? has it been tested on the track yet?

if so what 60 foot did you get and what ET?

looking forward to the proven result as I have a friend that may be keen.

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Judging by how the FG's sound, this should be similar, the Bee*R Limiter is much harsher - a hard-cut limiter - the Ford one is soft cut

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