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Best to keep an eye on Vic Chat and Spotted thread as a lot of last minute catch ups are organized in there. Usually the ones organized by the Cruise Controllers will be new threads made a month or more in advance.

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  • Cruise Whore
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  • Member For: 19y 6m 11d
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  • Location: Melbourne

Anyone keen to do Winton V8 Supercars in Aug?

We have traditionally done the Sat but if Sun suits better - then we could do that. I think only paid $25 to get in a few years ago. It may have gone up. Winton's good because it's one of those track where you can get closer to the action - it's fenced off but not fenced off like the Australian Grand Prix in my opinion.

Should be interesting with the mix of new makers in there this year. Nevertheless - if you've never been to the V8 Supercars - Wintons's a good one to cut ya teeth on.

So if we go Sat - that would be Sat Aug 23. Not sure about my work committments around that date myself - have some work travel coming up. But still keen to gauge interest.

In the past - I've brought my portable BBQ and we've sat down to some beers and snags on folding chairs. Adam has brought his canon of a camera (literally) - mate how you can carry that bazooka around is beyond me - must weigh a ton. But farrk - your photos were amazing !!! So close you could see bits of rubber fly up as one side of the car lifts over the corner bumpers :nod:

It's a pretty full day - have to get there by about 9:30am I think from memory and then people start leaving around 4:30pm. Being Aug though - there may be still some sunlight around on the trip home this time. When it was run in May the past 2 times I've been - been pretty dark come time to head home.

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