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Bye Bye Ute!


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I just recieved my ute back from the insurance company Five weeks after having an accident I've included some pics of the damage.

It's a total loss(write-off) but I will be using the running gear, all electrics, air-con, and dash assembly in my project F100 So it will live again albeit in a different form.

I had only just picked it up 5mins earlier from the mechanics after having the oil pump and harmonic balancer replaced with atomic performance one's and I had forgoten I still had Shell (bowser)racing fuel and the higher state of tune still in the car at the time and having not driven it for six weeks I was a bit "not on the ball" when she stepped out and I caught my boots under the corner of the brake pedal and could not get off the gas quickly enough resulting in what you see in the photo's. It ended up coming to rest under the back of a bus which is quite amazing because the bus driver didn't even know I'd hit him.

I'm telling you this as a bit of a warning/wake up as to how easily it can happen and yes I'm ready for the flaming I'm likely to get for not paying enough attention when hoping back in the ute after a stint not driving it.

One thing that really amazed me was that the firebrigade and police officers on the scene said that this is an almost daily occurance in their vehicles with thier workboots catching under the brake pedals and it will only be a matter of time before they have a major high speed accident. Is this a design flaw that may need addressing? & yes I do take full responsability for my actions but I think if this is happening on a regular basis maybe it's worth looking at in the design phase?


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  • Toughest BA Turbo
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Really sorry to hear this, but at least you are Ok and no-one else was injured.

I assume you have salvage rights, which is very useful.

Good luck with your project.


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Really sorry to hear this, but at least you are Ok and no-one else was injured.

I assume you have salvage rights, which is very useful.

Good luck with your project.


Yeah I'm really glad no-one was hurt, cars are replaceable but people aren't.

One of the main resons I went with shannons insurance was the wreck retention option, My truck should be one of the toughest in aus by the time I'm finished with it.

Yeah HANRA they gave me a neg driving fiine $318 and 3 points, I'm not worried about the money but the points suck because of the three year rule.

I can't get the photo's to upload it just sits there for over an hour saying "uploading file" any idea's on how I can get them uploaded?

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I can't get the photo's to upload it just sits there for over an hour saying "uploading file" any idea's on how I can get them uploaded?

make sure the files are smaller than 2mb otherwise :crazystuff:

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I worked out what the problem was, Mozilla is playing games again and won't upload any pics, so I'm back to internet explorer.







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Man I was pissed enough about scratching a rim and a cracked for light. Hope all goes well and things stay straight with your project :idunno:


Edited by zx6rblue
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