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F6 Manual


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I doubt the clutch would be on it's way out. They're tuff as I <3 Bananas. Unless you're runnin stupid amounts of power and you abuse it...

Good move with the warranty though. Does it just cover the clutch or the whole car?

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  • Member For: 16y 10m 4d
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warranty is for the whole car and the good thing is I can take it to any repairer I like.

and about the clutch it doesn`t slip or anything like that but it is like it never fully disengages, but not everytime. like a clutch fork is bent or spring faulty in someway I`ve never had a twin plate apart so im not sure how they work.

For example when slowing down and down changing, I`ll clutch in and when I shift to another gear the diff clunks (ive got hard diff bush, its that noise) before ive taken my foot of the clutch. it also does it when the car is stationery.

Ford told me that the clutch in the F6 never fully disengages?

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  • Member For: 16y 10m 4d
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oh yeah and the ford mechanic also told me to get a tough single plate clutch if I was going to do any mods as when the twin plates break they destroy everything around it bellhousing floorpan etc.

why would he tell me that if my clutch was fine? as these F6 clutches can hold bucket loads of power.

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  • Member For: 19y 7m 19d
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they mostly talk sh!t because they dont have a clue.

the clutch will fully disengage like any other clutch. the ap twin is preferable over just about any organic single plate on the market for holding big power.

may I suggest giving the clutch a bleed, the fluid doesn't last long at all. just did mine and it feels much better, and no noticeable tailshaft movement when stationary (even though my problem was intermittent)

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