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Love The Reception!


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Picked up my XR6T, Narooma, manual on the 24th...


I haven't read this forum for two days, and it wasn't just coz it was christmas...

I've been too busy driving around!!!

Two words.


In two days of driving around, I've had at least five people pull up near me (don't tell my girlfriend but two chickies in a barina were beeping me and chasing me with massive grins on their faces for about 15 mins on christmas eve wanting to see more of the car! *grin*) and checking the car out, giving the thumbs up and grinning like fools.

Couldn't bring myself to take it over 4000rpm yet... but still manage outpacing almost everything I've seen.. SO HARD TO REIN IN THE TEMPTATION!!!

Pulled up to Supercheap (to buy a fuse for my celica) today and I saw these blokes standing around out the front, they all rubbernecked as I pulled in...Then I heard one of them yell "DAMN ME! IT IS!"

I heard em and got out feeling like a million dollars... they were all jealous as hell... :lol:

His mate was checking out the car and the only thing he could say was "pity it's not a holden... it's awesome."

I have never owned a car that has got this much positive attention...

It's not ALL good - to the w*nker in the SLR 5000 torrie who split traffic at about 110 in an 80 zone just to pull up next to me to gawk... GOOD ON YA FOON! :angry:

Anyway, two annoying little things about the car so far:

1. Gearshift from 5-3 is a little notchy. There IS a trick do doing it smooth though - When you slide the shift out of 5th down to the central horizontal - Push across to left (where 1-2 is) then let it self-centre. THEN push it up to 3rd and it goes in sweet as a lamb.

2. Little bit of drivetrain thrash / diff takeup or somehting that makes a bit of a clunk when changing gears. My solution: drive a little more smoothly...

Other than that...

Yeah baby!

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2. Little bit of drivetrain thrash / diff takeup or somehting that makes a bit of a clunk when changing gears. My solution: drive a little more smoothly...


This is also my only gripe with the car. l think its excessive in our car and will get it checked at the 3000km service. You do learn how to live with it and drive smoothly most of the time, but it becomes more difficult to avoid the clunk when punting along harder than normal.

Most other manual owners here havent noticed this, maybe our cars are the exceptions??

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  • SLOJAM, Gone but not forgotten
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....two chickies in a barina were beeping me and chasing me with massive grins on their faces for about 15 mins on christmas eve wanting to see more of the car! *grin*) and checking the car out, giving the thumbs up and grinning like fools....

Physh, you are one lucky fella...Got THE car and now the women are chasing you.... :D

Perhaps there is still hope for me yet..... :lol: :lol:

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I haven't read this forum for two days, and it wasn't just coz it was christmas...

I've been too busy driving around!!!

I think I saw you :lol:

Gawd it looked nice as it went passed.

Can't wait till mine arrives

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  • I'm Back!! Thats right, long over due! :)
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His mate was checking out the car and the only thing he could say was "pity it's not a holden... it's awesome."

Oh Gawd,

At that point I think my fist would take over the conversation. :P

"Pitty it's not a Holden"? Grow some form of taste......geez!!! :angry:

You should have said, "No I don't care for the new look Magna"!

Did his friend also have a "Flano" shirt with a packet of "Winnie red" tucked under the sleeve? :D

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Did his friend also have a "Flano" shirt with a packet of "Winnie red" tucked under the sleeve?  


Guess what...


Driving a beat up old hilux 4x2 at that! :lol:

Just went for a drive down to Batemans Bay and Moruya, had a few more people give the grin and wave.

Drove past 3 XRs, don't know whether they were turbos but one guy in a blueprint XR towing a boat flashed me and waved, so I did the same... :)

Man this engine is strong... driving up the clyde mountain barely breaking a sweat.

Brakes are brilliant as well.

Hey - here's a hint if you want to use engine braking - Use 2nd gear and turn the air conditioner on!!!

Works well... down the entire clyde mountain used my brakes hardly at all, weren't even real hot at the bottom.

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Guest nmitch59
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I have a Phantom turbo and last night(this morning actually) as we were leaving our hotel in the City after our New Year's Eve celebrations, we had to manoeuvre our car through lots of human traffic (after the fireworks). Had the window open and so many people come up and congratulate me. Some footbound hoons wanted me to show them what the car could do in terms of speed. unlikely with all the cops and pedestrians and other obstacles.

I just smiled and drove on.

Love your work Ford!!!!!!! :huh:

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  • The Noble Leader
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I have a Phantom turbo and last night(this morning actually) as we were leaving our hotel in the City after our New Year's Eve celebrations, we had to manoeuvre our car through lots of human traffic (after the fireworks).  Had the window open and so many people come up and congratulate me.  Some footbound hoons wanted me to show them what the car could do in terms of speed.  unlikely with all the cops and pedestrians and other obstacles.  

I just smiled and drove on.

Love your work Ford!!!!!!! :huh:

mate you dont need to show them what the car does.. it goes like a rocket! .. and they should all know it..

:huh: Just keep on driving along.. and let em admire the beast you drive :D

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