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What A Surprise


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Yes this is a pain in the ass! It makes nice vehicles more expensive for customers, and in turn it turns away sales from the dealers - lose/lose situation if you ask me

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Since it's a tax I'd guess it's calculated off the final price which will include on road costs etc so I think the G6ET will be subject to this tax.

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  • Sucker
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Since it's a tax I'd guess it's calculated off the final price which will include on road costs etc so I think the G6ET will be subject to this tax.

....and factory/dealer options

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it doesn't include government statutory charges, ie, ctp, rego and stamp duty. You can't charge tax on a tax, so the LCT figure is worked out on the purchase price excluding GST. The 57,000 figure being used is GST inclusive.

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The dealer delivery charge is included in the LCT total.

Dealer Delivery charges do have a margin component. Their main reason is to cover the dealers internal costs, labour for example. Our Dealer Delviery costs are 2/3 actual cost, 1/3 profit margin. The margin we keep in the car itself is basically the important thing for us, but we don't separate the individual margins that we discount, its just one total margin that we work with.

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Go Labour, we're definatly headed for a recession at this rate. What a bunch of tools. Lets increase taxes for the part of the population that is already being taxed way more than the rest. Let's punish those that work harder, create employment and keep the economy rolling, and lets increase taxes when we already have a multi-billion dollar surplus.

The LCT is way too low, it doesn't take into consideration that $57k is alomst getting on the high side of your average family car. It should be raised (if any) and locally produced cars should be exempt. Realistically it shouldn't exist at all, instead it should be added to the import tarrifs to help boost the local car market.

Ah well, al you f*cktards who voted for them, "WE TOLD YOU SO!"

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The LCT is way too low, it doesn't take into consideration that $57k is alomst getting on the high side of your average family car.

That's what pisses me off most. The top of the line Ford/Holdens fall into that category now.

But this is what makes my blood boil:

"It's only fair that those at the top end pay a little more for their luxury vehicles and help us put an end to the high inflation and high interest rates of the Costello-Turnbull era."

A: The haves have to subsidise the have-nots again, and

B: The blame game has started - everything that goes wrong now is going to be the former governments fault

f*ck this goverment. Because you work hard to improve yourself they think you are fair game to pay more.

I paid over $50k in f*cking tax last year and am sick of being slugged more for being better off than others.

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