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Manual Into Auto

da drone

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  • Member For: 18y 1m 18d
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I have a 6 speed manual with a malwood option 5 clutch.

Am thinking of going auto Probably C10, I would sell you mine for $5500 ( the clutch with braided lines is worth 2250 alone).

As for seting it up you should speak to Mal wood he could help you out.

There are alot of people on this forum who have converted from T5 to T56 manuals.

Lastly where are you from I'm in sydney. Are you handy with tools?

Cheers Alf.

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  • Member For: 17y 4m 25d
I have a 6 speed manual with a malwood option 5 clutch.

Am thinking of going auto Probably C10, I would sell you mine for $5500 ( the clutch with braided lines is worth 2250 alone).

As for seting it up you should speak to Mal wood he could help you out.

There are alot of people on this forum who have converted from T5 to T56 manuals.

Lastly where are you from I'm in sydney. Are you handy with tools?

Cheers Alf.

I'm only in the thinking stage atm I want to put my turbo on first

Edited by da drone
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I'm only in the thinking stage atm I want to put my turbo on first

I have done this about 14 months ago, and it is a MAJOR job to do.

BA never came witht he 6 speed auto, so looms and electronic modules have to be converted to BF, and cost will depend on what you can get the parts for, but expect it not to be cheap.

Next you need to find someone who will actually take the job on if you can't do it yourself.

Donor vehicle must be same type as your, I.e. sedan to sedan, ute to ute, and prteferably with same options (stereo and side airbags) as loom may not otherwise be correct.

Edited by Ninka
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  • 5 months later...
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  • Member For: 16y 4m 3d
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The six speed auto is a difficult job, but the six speed manual (T56) isn't anywhere near as hard..

The conversion is much the same as a T5 conversion, however needs a few extra things to complete it.

The hardest part when I converted to manual (T5) was getting ford to line up the manual ECU with my car.. The have hundreds of different ECU maps from BA to BFII, XT-FPV and everything inbetween..

If you're good with tools then it's not all that hard to get the mechanical side of things in, the wiring should come with the conversion if you get a complete conversion kit..

I've still got a complete T5 conversion sitting in the shed, that came out of my car when I had a learner pull out infront of me.. I'm still undecided on whether to make a hotrod with it in a Capri mkI, put in into another BA, or sell it..

It's not a job for the faint harted, but it is WELL worth the effort.. Manual is far more appealing than auto

Good luck



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