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Cyclist In The News Again


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  • Sucker
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Nope....I can categorically state that f*ckwit cyclists annoy me more than anything else on the road in my daily commute for reasons mentioned previously. I have not pigeon-holed all cyclists as f*ckwits like you're suggesting, just simply the few f*ckwit cyclists that have a total disregard for basic road rules.

Take a chill pill man....your blood pressure seems like it's going through the friggin roof! :dummyspit:

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Well said Grudgee.

Still people should not ride bikes on busy roads in peak hour, it's dangerous, unless there is stopping lane or something.

I had a guy riding one of those 3 wheel lying down bicycles (whatever you call them) on Cumberland hwy at 5 pm, pure stupidity, normal bikes you can overtake if they move to the side, but that thing..no way.

Regarding the guy that knocked those people off, he should be in jail, if they really were in the stopping lane he should be in jail for a decent amount of time.

Edited by dule
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Nope....I can categorically state that f*ckwit cyclists annoy me more than anything else on the road in my daily commute for reasons mentioned previously. I have not pigeon-holed all cyclists as f*ckwits like you're suggesting, just simply the few f*ckwit cyclists that have a total disregard for basic road rules.

Take a chill pill man....your blood pressure seems like it's going through the friggin roof! :dummyspit:

Tab, I don't think I fingered anything you said in particular. You're 100% entitled to hate cyclists more than any other road user. I personally hate people who don't indicate and those bastards that use the bright red fog light thingies. Definitely my pet peeves.

My argument was that they have as much right to use the road as any one of us motorists. The stupid cyclists should be kicked off the road and sent off to public-transport-only community, along with all the stupid motorists who can't extend common courtesy when using their motorbike/car/truck/scooter.

I'd love to chill, but on the way home, there was this damn cyclist in my way and it took me at least an extra 30 seconds to get home. f*cking *beep* stole some of my life.

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1.The rego argument is ridiculous. Putting a rego fee on cyclists would see kids that own a bike having to fork out for the privilege. People who don't have/need a car and want cheap transport are forced to pay to get around, or use the already flooded public transport system. Bikes have nearly no environmental impact, nor do they cause road wear & tear that motor vehicles do.

2.Stating things like "I can't stand the pricks, they think they own the road" is like saying the exact same thing about modded car drivers. There are dickheads everywhere. Be smart and don't generalise because you'll never look anything but foolish.

3."when im at a set off lights and the pricks ride up on your left side and then sit in front of you" is no different to another jerk on the road. I absolutely, 100% guarantee you encounter more idiocy with motorists cutting you off, not indicating, not paying attention whilst on the phone, trucks sitting in the left hand lane etc. If you can tell me that you've had a cyclist pull up and block you more than any of the abovementioned things, you're lying. I'd be surprised if it's even happened more than a handful of times in your life. Don't try to convince me otherwise, just ask the question to yourself and really think about it.

1.why shouldnt they, we pay to use the road so should they. enough said.

they could always put an age cap on like 18 years and above have to pay. fair's fair mate.

2.I cant stand the pricks so I dont care what you think, and when there in there packs and on there "hell rides" they do think they own the road. and most bike riders run red lights, while all the cars are stoped why because once again they think they can do what they like.

3. of course motorists do that but this thread is about bike riders mate. but what im saying is what gives them the right to ride up beside ME and think they can just pull up a sit in front of ME (who was there first) they should wait in line like every one else, but no once again they think they can do what they like.

I hope you knocked him over :dummyspit:


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Still people should not ride bikes on busy roads in peak hour, it's dangerous, unless there is stopping lane or something.

I agree - it's bloody dangerous, but until something is done about suitable bike-lanes, or paths, cyclists will still have to use roads to get where they need to be. It's a risk they seem to think is worth taking.

I reckon some well placed bike routes (to the CBD) would resolve much of the cyclist activity on many roads as any smart cyclist rides the route that is safest. If they're stupid enough to use a hectic road, they'll be squashed sooner or later anyway.

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Grudgee why do you think I posted what I did in the first few pages, I dont think the guys are being harsh at all, I am a bike rider myself but god some of the guys sh*t me when its peak hour and they are in a one lane rd riding in the middle, they wont move for anyone and if you hammer it to get past before you cause a head on they kane ya with a abuse at the next set of lights, stop ect. Do you ride and that's why your getting so defensive about it all. We have as much right to use the road as any motorist the only thing is if we get hit even if it is our fault its the guy in the car that gets his balls chomped for it

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Almost every time I stop at the Rawson Ave Princes Hwy Sutherland and there is a cyclist on the road they pass me, stop in front and take off either on a green light or when they see fit (red light)

Now this particular bit of road goes from two lanes into one and when you add a bike rider to the mix it gets very interesting.

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1.why shouldnt they, we pay to use the road so should they. enough said.

they could always put an age cap on like 18 years and above have to pay. fair's fair mate.

2.I cant stand the pricks so I dont care what you think, and when there in there packs and on there "hell rides" they do think they own the road. and most bike riders run red lights, while all the cars are stoped why because once again they think they can do what they like.

3. of course motorists do that but this thread is about bike riders mate. but what im saying is what gives them the right to ride up beside ME and think they can just pull up a sit in front of ME (who was there first) they should wait in line like every one else, but no once again they think they can do what they like.

Fair is fair and I reckon the current system is on the money. I'm happy for us to disagree on this, as your argument has merit, as does mine.

You don't have to care what I think. That's the beauty of an open forum - you can take what you want from it. You can welcome discussion, or disregard it as it's not the same as your opinion. I must also say that "most riders running red lights" seems like an interesting statistic. Most people who don't indicate are pedophiles with beastiality inclinations, have webbed toes and enjoy watching Ricky Lake re-run.

This thread is indeed about cyclists and I drew the comparison to motorists to demonstrate the fact that, whether you know it or not, you're complaining about ignorant people. I just highlighted that they're everywhere and that generalising doesn't give support to an argument.

I hate stupid cyclists too.



Grudgee why do you think I posted what I did in the first few pages, I dont think the guys are being harsh at all, I am a bike rider myself but god some of the guys sh*t me when its peak hour and they are in a one lane rd riding in the middle, they wont move for anyone and if you hammer it to get past before you cause a head on they kane ya with a abuse at the next set of lights, stop ect. Do you ride and that's why your getting so defensive about it all. We have as much right to use the road as any motorist the only thing is if we get hit even if it is our fault its the guy in the car that gets his balls chomped for it

Fair enough. I'm just saying cyclists have the right to be there. I don't think anyone is being harsh when directing their complaints at IGNORANT cyclists, but not ALL cyclists are ignorant.

BAN CYCLISTS USING ROADS isn't a fair mindset.

I occasionally cycle during summer, but avoid peak hour and use roads with bike lanes wherever possible. I'm not defending all cyclists, just supporting cyclists entitlement to use the road like other people using other transport methods.

The only road user who puts themselves at more risk than a stupid cyclist, is a stupid motorbike rider.

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I too disagree that cyclists have as much right to use the roads as motorists for a couple of reasons, some of which have been pointed out.

(1) Rego. Motorists have to pay for the privelige to drive on public roads, cyclists don't.

(2) Insurance. Motorists have to pay TPI to drive on public roads, cyclists don't.

(3) Licences. Motorists have to pass a licence exam and pay licence fees to drive on public roads, cyclists don't.

(4) Safety Equipment. Registered vehicles have to have indicators, brake lights, headlights, mirrors etc, cyclists don't.

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