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Fastest Stock Tornado And T Times?


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  • Gold Donating Members
  • Member For: 17y 1m 15d
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Hey guys, sorry if this has been asked before, I found info on the fastest stock Typhoon times, and few normal T's, but not in the ute section. Can someone either point me to a list if you have a link, or if not, can we please start a list here of the fastest dead stock times for both Tornado's and T utes??

So by stock, I mean stock exhaust, cooler, boost, tune, stock stock. Lets say only mods being a panel filter, as I would argue that it makes little difference on a stock T. Not worried about modfied times, just stock utes. What have you run guys??!!


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  • The Cleaning Dudes Ute
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  • Location: Bentleigh, Vic, Australia

On my second run at the drags ever I pulled a 13.8

Next time we head down I recon I could do a tad better on the launch.

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  • Member For: 17y 1m 20d
  • Gender: Male
  • Location: harington park
Hey guys, sorry if this has been asked before, I found info on the fastest stock Typhoon times, and few normal T's, but not in the ute section. Can someone either point me to a list if you have a link, or if not, can we please start a list here of the fastest dead stock times for both Tornado's and T utes??

So by stock, I mean stock exhaust, cooler, boost, tune, stock stock. Lets say only mods being a panel filter, as I would argue that it makes little difference on a stock T. Not worried about modfied times, just stock utes. What have you run guys??!!


13.2 -105mph-2.0-60ft-bf tornado-6speed auto;at the moment fastest tornado in the country



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  • Gold Donating Members
  • Member For: 17y 1m 15d
  • Gender: Male
13.2 -105mph-2.0-60ft-bf tornado-6speed auto;at the moment fastest tornado in the country

13.2? As in 13.21, 13.28.... Do you have a timeslip??

And also what does it run now?? I presume by the 400rwkw dyno graph you mean its now the fastest in the country??


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  • Gold Donating Members
  • Member For: 17y 1m 15d
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Its a mission to get it right, loading it up in second and dropping back to first just before launch, one pass it goes good, the next not, its such a balancing act, I will post up times after next week when I have a good chop at running a 12, I know it can do it, but whether I can put it all in one pass is another story.... Suffice to say its run 5x 13.3's with 60ft's anywhere from 2.07 to 2.14 and has so far run a best of 107.0mph, my best time to date is 13.26@104.1mph. That was with no cooling down in between runs, bonnet down and only 12min since my last run, hence the low MPH, but on that one pass run a 1.998 60ft, hence the quicker time.

I didn't believe there were cars that could run 12's stock, I honestly expected a high 13, so I'm rapped, and completely stock at that, and as far as I am led to believe the Tornado weighs 1865kg, and is 60kg heavier than the sedan.... Imagine what my car could do with 60kg less weight, and I weigh 110kg, so with my mate who weighs 65kg driving, there's another 55kg..... :biggrin:


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