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I Want To Turbo My N/a


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Hey all,

Just after some thoughts and sudgestions. I have a 2002 ba xr6 ute (manuel) and I want to turbo it. just wondering if I should rebuld my motor or get one built. Getting a half cut is also a option but dont know how much that will cost , any ideas? IM looking for around 250-300 rwkws. Any thoughts of what I can do and some rough $$ amounts. Ive already heard the "just sell it and buy a turbo" so all help would be appriceated. Allready have LSD and will change the gearbox when I do the conversion

Cheers guys.... :spoton:

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  • Still have a turbo, it's just on a diesel.
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I would say look in to getting a 1/2 cut out of a late model BF, that way you will have all the parts required and the stronger rods of the BF.

give FTG salvage a call and they should be able to give you some prices.

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I guess you want to keep the $$ down?

Get on ebay, theres a few exhaust manifolds going, 200ish, find a turbo, water lines, oil lines (all xr6t) injectors, Flash tune, intercooler & piping of some kind, intake, dump pipe/exhaust and your allmost done... theres lots of little bits and peices but if you do your research first you'll know what to get.

There's heaps of used stuff going to from guys that have ugraded for go fast bits, so look around and you'll save plenty

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  • Formerly EGOBFXR6
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Hey mate,

I actually wanted to do this to my BF, but there is so much f*ckin around and so many little things to take into consideration. My suggestion is to either trade in on a Turbo, or spend the $5 K it would cost to changeover, and mod your N/A...

Just my 2c mate - all the best.


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  • No boost, no bottle, just my foot on the throttle!
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Mate, save your money and buy a XR6 Turbo once you can afford it.

The cost to convert is costly and being yours is a '02 Manual, you have the 5 speed made of glass.

These gearboxes do not hold up well even with stock power.

By the time you have put the turbo and gearbox in, you could have traded it on a BA2 6sp manual turbo.

We see N/A owners on here every week wanting to convert, most end up getting rid of their NA and buying a Turbo. Much better way forward.

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As ZAP said, time to trade.

I went from an XT N/A to an XR6T and its the best move I have done.

I had all the bits and pieces to do the convertion but decided at the last minute it's not really worth it.

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  • Well-Hard Bangin' Member
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what kind of max power are the N/A boys getting without the turbos? I would hate to spend that cash on a worked N/A with all the power squeezed out of it, or trade and have a stocker that's got more power and is quicker, and still have plenty to go!

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mate u are looking at 10 to 12k for turbo kit including fitting, but make sure who ever u get it done by that they tune your car right coz the differance in compresion ratio is diff between the xr6 and xr6 turbo, street fords reacons that if u turbo the barra182 u will blow it, I saying that I have got a tubo kit off a xr6 turbo ready to go just not enough money :)

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yeah dude, you have two options...

trade up or go a massive build with big turbo etc, the rest is a waste of time and money.

for what you want you'd better off just trading up to a newer BF...

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  • 2005 BA MK11 turbo
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mate u are looking at 10 to 12k for turbo kit including fitting, but make sure who ever u get it done by that they tune your car right coz the differance in compresion ratio is diff between the xr6 and xr6 turbo, street fords reacons that if u turbo the barra182 u will blow it, I saying that I have got a tubo kit off a xr6 turbo ready to go just not enough money :)

incorrect mate sorry the street fords guys saw my converted ute and were blown away when they saw a dyno sheet for 238rwkw at 5 psi and then when I was watching their gt-p fade into the rear view mirror cheers

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