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My Flaps Have Been Opened


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I left the R Spec at Xtreme while I've been away, to get the wastegate ported and a 12lb actuator fitted, all done now. I think from memory it has been running 14 psi, dropping off to 12. I did this mod more as a precautionary measure and don't know exactly what it will do as the car has been running fine. I'm guessing I (or Simon at least) should be able to wind up the wick a tad more and make some extra Kws. I'm sure looking forward to getting home and driving a real car again. From those who have already travelled this path, what exactly can I expect? Thanks in advance :locked:

Edited by hypnodoc
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  • It's All In Your Mind
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Doc, the top end will have solid boost instead of falling away. Its basically more consistent and reliable, should feel "stronger"

Hey Senna_T

Mate you aren't wrong. I got back to the real world today, picked up the beasty, making the same power but has a couple more pound down low and now it just spins up the wheels and goes. Running 16lb, tapering off to 14lb. :spoton:

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You will definately notice a positive difference for the better Envy T. I've got a Turbosmart plumb back coming in the mail, and that will be the last mod until someone invents a decent diff bush. Don't think the beasty needs any more grunt now.

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  • loitering with intent
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Doc, don't disagree. I think that 350 rwkw is pretty optimal for street use IMO. Even that goes up into expensive tyre smoke without too much provocation. Roll on's are pretty awesome though :spoton:

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Doc, don't disagree. I think that 350 rwkw is pretty optimal for street use IMO. Even that goes up into expensive tyre smoke without too much provocation. Roll on's are pretty awesome though :3gears:

I think I might be a tad over 350 now because Simon wound the wick up by 2lb, and he wasn't there when I picked the car up and there was no Dyno sheet :stupid: . I need to do some of those Roll On things to burn the crappy Dunslops off the thing so I can go back to those sticky Yokos. Still have to drive out behind the black stump so I don't get caught and find myself being criminalised as a Hoon and have my beasty impounded or whatever it is they do to justify stealing your money. :spoton:

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  • loitering with intent
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What ? so if you go to the Black Stump , do you hand over your Hoon vouchers as you pass through in a cloud of smoke LOL

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