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Handbrake Goes Up Real High


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  • FG Falcon fan!
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ahh the innernet, always good for multiple opinions, including those which certainly sound in-the-know.

Ford say the handbrake will be self-adjusting in the FG - hope so.

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I have had a bit of a play with the fg self adjusting hbrake levers and honestly dont think they are going to work as it doesnt self adjust in the discs,only the cable. The design on the new hbrake lever is to releive the cable being pulled on when going around corners or over bumps so hbrake doesnt come on the slightest bit whilst your driving. This is supposed to stop shoes wearing out so not requiring adjustment. Learnt all this at fg training.

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Sorry mate im in Gladstone In central queensland.

I don't work for a ford dealer anymore either, I finished me apprenticeship early, and done the Advenced tech training while I waited for ford to send me my papers then left. I regret is sometimes, escpecially now the FG coming along.

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Sorry mate I am in Melbourne but would of gladly given you a hand otherwise. I honestly dont reccommend doing it yourself as you need to know which way to turn the adjuster wheels and if you tighten too much can sometimes be very hard to turn back. You also need to know if the actuator pin has jumped out and if your hbrake shoes require replacing. Its easy for people who have done it before and know what to look for but if you over adjust them they can drag,lock up or squeak.

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  • 7 months later...
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  • Member For: 16y 1m 14d
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Dont just tighten the cable as that's the apprentice way of doing it. The correct way is to remove the wheels and adjust the handbrake actuators thru the rear disc holes. Then adjust the cable if needed. The cable never comes undone,its the handbrake shoes that wear and the actuator adjustments can sometimes de adjust if someones bent the holding clip. So many people adjust it at the cable which causes handbrake shoes to squeak and wear out.

Before I got the new car I had my BAII adjusted. Here's the official line. It's a 10 minute job if it's just the adjustment. They charge $25 to do that. If it's the full monty they have to adjust the actuators and that is about $110 and an hours work+. Because I was buying a new car they didn't charge me - it was only an adjustment anyway.

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  • 8 months later...
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  • Member For: 15y 4m 27d
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45T-XR is correct, I also did my mechanics course and all his points are pretty much spot on, however, I think its just more of a common thing for some of the fords, I used to have the same problem with my AU and I replaced the actual handbrake shoes (the whole kit) and that fixed the problem.

I think what most people dont realise is that other than adjusting a cable, there is still more to it like checking the shoes themself (depending on model/car) but yeah if you change the stock shoes with aftermarket better gripping ones, the tension of the HB cable doesnt loosen that much over time, maybe needs adjusting once every 6 months or so.

I now have an XR6T and I seem to have the same issues again, I just dont know how hard it is for ford to bloody make a car with a working handbrake that doesnt loosen/stretch over time.

It sucks when your trying to kick into a corner and lift the HB up and its almost at the roof lol, a HB should only click 3-6 times, depending on the feel, I like mine around 5 (5 being reefing it up).

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