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Stealing Pricks...


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Well woke up this morning to find that once again my licence plates have been stolen.

Despite theft proof screws and bolts, it seems they just broke the plates around the holes.

This is the third time and I really cant be f*cked going through the process of getting them re-issued, and then being pulled over a million times, so im going to go back normal plates

Shame because the plates really make my car stand out, and it sh*ts me to f*cking tears that because some people have f*ck all morals I cant have something I want.


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sh*t man, dont let the terrorists win! we cant change our lifestyle cos of them :(

Maybe sikaflex the new plates to the bumper man.

honestly that will NEVER come off, they will need a hacksaw to get it off.

also where is the car kept every time this happens?

maybe direct connect 240V to the plates. the plastic bumper will keep it insulated, and soon as they touch it, they are the ground and ZAPPPP :)

Edited by XF Falcon
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Pickling Paste

A very convenient method for pickling is use of "Pickling Paste". This is a prepared mix of strong acids in a stiff paste which enables it to be applied to small areas and to vertical or even overhanging surfaces. It is especially useful for pickling to remove heat tint following welding. Again precautions for handling acids must be followed and the residue flushed thoroughly to a suitable waste stream after completion. Most commercial pickling paste is formulated for the austenitic grades, so if these are used to clean lower alloyed grades such as 3CR12 the process must be closely monitored to ensure the paste is quickly removed and very thoroughly rinsed off afterwards.

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  TURBOXR said:
Well woke up this morning to find that once again my licence plates have been stolen.

Despite theft proof screws and bolts, it seems they just broke the plates around the holes.

This is the third time and I really cant be f*cked going through the process of getting them re-issued, and then being pulled over a million times, so im going to go back normal plates

Shame because the plates really make my car stand out, and it sh*ts me to f*cking tears that because some people have f*ck all morals I cant have something I want.


If it wasnt for the personalisation, I was going to blame the soaring price of juice.

Otherwise, whats the point, they can only go up on someones bedroom wall.


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Mate - if you replace them and have an alarm installed, hook a little sensor to the underside of the plates - same as that on the bonnet of your car... You will prob find a little metal piston/push like sensor under your bonnet... You might be able to run a wire from that to the underside of the number plate somehow... As soon as it is partly lifted or brakes the circuit the alarm should go off!!!

Then run out the front with a baseball bat... that's what I find works best when people SH17 me!!! (just joking)...

:nyyaah::bangin::veryangry: :uziman: :biggun: :ARFiring: :punchhead: :blush::fishin:

Its a shame your not in Sydney - being half middle eastern (descendant) I'd be right there helping you out with the BAS7@RD5 :spoton:

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  XF Falcon said:
sh*t man, dont let the terrorists win! we cant change our lifestyle cos of them :(

Maybe sikaflex the new plates to the bumper man.

honestly that will NEVER come off, they will need a hacksaw to get it off.

also where is the car kept every time this happens?

maybe direct connect 240V to the plates. the plastic bumper will keep it insulated, and soon as they touch it, they are the ground and ZAPPPP :)

Nice idea, might be feasible by making an electric fence unit that runs on 12v and a car ignition coil could easily be installed behind the bumper and you could just run some wire or foil along the bumper behind the plate and the active being the plate itself so if any bastard gets his fingers between the plate and the bumper BAM BAM BAM and it'd still be safe if say some just touched to plate itself.

They used to sell kits at Jaycar else you could try e bay 12v electric fence

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