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Xbox 360 Vs Ps3


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You are right it is 640P. The ps3, like the Xbox, scales the image internally to whatever resolution it likes. However, the ps3 does this in software, whereas the xbox has a scaler chip. When scaling resolutions, artefacts become evident in the visuals (jagged edges, aliasing). There is a guy on the beyond3d forums who can count the pixels in the game to determine the resolution and anti aliasing use. In 90% of cases the Xbox runs games in higher res with more anti aliasing than the PS3. This is because the Xbox has EDRAM (on-chip video memory) and this allows it to do higher resolutions and anti aliasing because of its huge bandwidth associated with EDRAM as opposed to the PS3.

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egg zackery !!!

give me a hardware based scaler over software anyday !!

oh and I just picked up a 360 the other week, awesome friggen machine.. the online component alone is worth forgoing the BD player of the PS3 and ive barely touched the surface of Xbox Live.. thank f*ck for 80GB a month on a 24mb connection!

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OK, so it's Superdan's birthday on sunday, and I just got home to my pressie from the missus (yup, forced her to give it to me early) andit's A FARGGIN XBOX 360!!!!!

YAY FOR DAN!!!!!!!

played approx. 5 minutes of GTA IV, so I'll hopefully get into that pretty svereley, but is there any good racing/car games?? ie: anything that would be comparable to GT5 or like need for speed?



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  • Seriously Flukey Member
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I picked up a PS3 today for my theatre, primarily for the Blu-ray.

Picture quality is quite brilliant in 1080P

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  • Well-Hard Bangin' Member
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yeh we've got heaps of BD players on the 1080p screens @ work, they look mint!

PS: has anyone had any problems with the XBOX?? like major dramas??

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Guest Wingnut
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Like I said in my first post in this thread these things are prone to hard drive failure. Google it if you want you will be able to find a lot of info regarding it.

As for car games as good as GT5? Nothing comes close.

Congrats on your 360 they are very cool but I would still prefer a PS3

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I don't know if GTR is available on the xbox but check it out, my bro plays it massively on the PC and I have to say, GT4 (haven't played gt5 prologue yet) has NOTHING on GTR for realism. but it is mainly race cars only and proper GT cars etc.

for realism hows this, my cousin was playing it on a FULL sim machine with even a clutch pedal. anyway he spun and stalled it. the game doesn't have a provision for a starter button however he managed to get the car rolling down a slight hill, put it into gear, clutch started it and off he went. believe it as I saw it with my own eyes.\

http://gtr-game.10tacle.com/index.php?id=246&L=1 here is their website.

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yeah it is on xbox and it looks better on xbox as well...

GTR series is also coming to Xbox in the future.

I have both machines and while ps3 is a great blu ray machine I play games on the xbox. The xbox live service is 10 million times better than anything sony offers.

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Guest Wingnut
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Sorry to say you're probably not using your PS3 to its full capability as like you I have both and have found the case to be the reverse.

Remember xbox has been on the market some 8 months before PS3 I am sure the playstation will be that much better in another 8 months.

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