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Xbox 360 Vs Ps3


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just because I would rather have a better BD player than the PS3.. not that the PS3 is sh*te at BD playback or anything, but standalone components designed to perform one function (I.e. BD player) will almost always provide a better result...

The same reason high end audio systems will usually have a separate pre amp, equaliser/DSP and high quality power amps instead of an integrated all in one AVR or similar..

a minor reason too would be that the PS3 IIRC uses bluetooth for its remote so a Harmony etc wouldnt be able to control its functionality

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So, loving the XBOX so far (apart from the fact I mentioned it has built-in games like UNO to the missus; haven't been able to get a game in for an hour :verysad:)

Q: Has anyone been able to use a different wireless receiver instead of the genuine one? my modem/router/line is upstairs, and I'm not paying $70-100 for a wireless receiver, I'd rather pay $15 for a bullshyte long ethernet cable.



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I use wired connections. I havent used the official unit but I assume the latency introduced by the wireless connection would make gaming on the xbox pretty unplayable.

you can get an electrician to cable your house with cat45 cable for a few hundred dollars. you can then use it for any device in the future, not just xbox,. ive done mine and I havent looked back.

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:shakefist: I did my firmware update last night. Too easy.

OT, but where do you guys get your BR titles?

Anybody seen 310 to Yuma? I might pick that up on BR today.

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superdan: did u end up buying grid??? im in love with that game right now.. send your xbox live name across and well have a couple of runs up n down the mountain drifto style ;) hehhe

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Geeseman I am not going to qoute you as your thread is far to long.

The question was asked 360 or PS3. The reasons I gave are due to reliabilty and over all usefulness (if that's a word). The 360 is just a gaming console with a HD. The PS3 is a multimedia centre which includes BR. It is also far more reliable than the 360. SO if I was to spend $600 on either of the 2 I know what I would buy.

It doesnt mean I think the PS3 is better machine in terms of development or technology but just better value for money in the long run.

I honestly think Wii with its limited capabilities is better than both in terms of value for money but that's not what this discussion is about.

To Superdan, as far as I know the only wireless adapter for the 360 is the microsoft branded which retails for over $100. PS3 has wireless inbuilt hehe

Edited by Wingnut
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  • Well-Hard Bangin' Member
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Thanks all for the input and arguements :Welcome2FordXR6t:

qikshift: I havent got anymore games as yet, I think I'll just stick at GTA for now (took me 8 hours of farkin' around to realise there's actually a storyline and missions to do!! so I'm sure it'll last me a while!!) GRID is defiantely on the list for the first to buy after I get bored with GTA

Geese: there are other options out there from Linksys and Netgear, but will cost almost as much as genuine MS ones. pfft!!

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After owning the 360 since release, and recently picking up a PS3 I'd say overall the 360 is a better "Gaming" system, and at the end of the day that's what consoles are about.

Even with my 360 dieing twice, its still had way more game time / play time then the ps3, that's because the PS3 lacks titles something shocking.

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The question was asked 360 or PS3. The reasons I gave are due to reliabilty and over all usefulness (if that's a word). The 360 is just a gaming console with a HD. The PS3 is a multimedia centre which includes BR. It is also far more reliable than the 360. SO if I was to spend $600 on either of the 2 I know what I would buy.

Xbox 360 is a far better multimedia unit that PS3.

It streams all music via windows media centre or vista without any problems. Video, MP3, Photos etc - well before Sony even thought of the idea...

It also can be used as an extender for TV so you can record, playback, pause TV. Any such sollutions on PS3 are rubbish.

As for reliability, any issues XBox had originally (which have been solved with the new release motherboards) were due to the fact that Xbox is state of the art hardware. In fact, it has better hardware than the PS3 even though it was released 15 months earlier.

I've had no problems with my unit. I dont have problems with my ps3 either, mostly because it never gets used...

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