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Xbox 360 Vs Ps3


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also be aware that the 360 will upscale standard dvd's to 1080p (via VGA or HDMI, not component) and works as a media extender with wmp11.

the ps3 has the inbuilt blu-ray drive, runs quieter, and can browse the internet (I think). other than that they are pretty much the same.

1080i maybe?

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wasn't sure VGA could take 1080p!?

Can you elaborate on the media extender part?? does that need to be done through a hard-wired network? or could it be done wirelessly?

Cheers everyone for the answers and opinions, although I'm now back exactly where I started


you can get a wireless adapter for the 360 so you can hook it up to your home wireless network, then its just a matter of adding all your media to the wmp11 library, sync to your 360, and your away!

be aware there are codec limitations though, you wont be able to play any .mkv movies through your 360.

that is another thing that the ps3 has built in, wireless networking.

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pretty sure its 1080p flukey, there was an update to the console a while back to enable 1080p output. (upscaling of dvd's via VGA and HDMI only though)

I cannot be 100% certain though, as my tv isn't 1080p

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Funny how GTA4 runs in a higher res and at smoother frame rates on the Xbox 360.

In terms of hardware, the Xbox is superior to PS3.

I wasn't talking about resolution etc. Just the fact that dvd is sure to limit games soon, if it isn't already.

As for which version of GTA IV looks better I'll quote IGN:

"For those wanting to know which version looks better, the edge goes to the PS3. The textures and framerate are comparable, but the PS3 has far less pop-in. The 360 has richer colors, but the PS3 has better anti-aliasing making it look a little cleaner. Because GTA IV can preload onto the PS3 hard drive, the in-game loads are faster. Don't worry Xbox owners, the load times are rarely more than 30 seconds and don't occur very often. The slight visual edge goes to PS3, but the 360 is no slouch. Either version will do you proud."

source: http://au.ps3.ign.com/articles/869/869541p5.html

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Trish now I have no idea :shocked: why you would have to do that hahahah

GTA4 is awesome.. HOWEVER.. I have had to hit the mute button a few times when visitors arrive.. :P
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ahh yup that the source I was referring too.. GTA4 either way is awesome ;) im not really a fan boy of either console .. I think they both have their merits.

I wasn't talking about resolution etc. Just the fact that dvd is sure to limit games soon, if it isn't already.

As for which version of GTA IV looks better I'll quote IGN:

"For those wanting to know which version looks better, the edge goes to the PS3. The textures and framerate are comparable, but the PS3 has far less pop-in. The 360 has richer colors, but the PS3 has better anti-aliasing making it look a little cleaner. Because GTA IV can preload onto the PS3 hard drive, the in-game loads are faster. Don't worry Xbox owners, the load times are rarely more than 30 seconds and don't occur very often. The slight visual edge goes to PS3, but the 360 is no slouch. Either version will do you proud."

source: http://au.ps3.ign.com/articles/869/869541p5.html

Edited by qikshift
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I wasn't talking about resolution etc. Just the fact that dvd is sure to limit games soon, if it isn't already.

As for which version of GTA IV looks better I'll quote IGN:

"For those wanting to know which version looks better, the edge goes to the PS3. The textures and framerate are comparable, but the PS3 has far less pop-in. The 360 has richer colors, but the PS3 has better anti-aliasing making it look a little cleaner. Because GTA IV can preload onto the PS3 hard drive, the in-game loads are faster. Don't worry Xbox owners, the load times are rarely more than 30 seconds and don't occur very often. The slight visual edge goes to PS3, but the 360 is no slouch. Either version will do you proud."

source: http://au.ps3.ign.com/articles/869/869541p5.html

IGN are wrong in their summation.

The PS3 version runs at 640p resolution comapred to the xbox's 720P. it has more frame rate issues and has lesser quality anti aliasing.

in regards to DVD being the limitation, it's the other way. many of the ps3's games have to install on their hard disc because the access speed of the blu ray drive is so slow in comarison with the DVD drive. GTA would not be possible on PS3 if it did not have a hard disc with which to stream all its data.

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IGN are wrong in their summation.

The PS3 version runs at 640p resolution comapred to the xbox's 720P. it has more frame rate issues and has lesser quality anti aliasing.

in regards to DVD being the limitation, it's the other way. many of the ps3's games have to install on their hard disc because the access speed of the blu ray drive is so slow in comarison with the DVD drive. GTA would not be possible on PS3 if it did not have a hard disc with which to stream all its data.

Have you got the game on both consoles mate? I don't care if the xbox version runs at 1080, I haven't had the pleasure of seeing both version but IGN have and they have come to that conclusion. No disrespect but I'd rather take their word over yours...

The only game I have every played on a PS3 that has had to install anything (not including game sortware patches), is GTA IV, and apparently that was to load textures to minimise "pop in".

Yes blue ray is slower to access than DVD, but this does not affect game or video playback. The reality is the next version of GTA (and I'm sure many other games) will not be able to fit all their data on the limited space of DVD. I'm sure xbox will sort something out, probably multi disks and external hard drives...

Dan Houser from Rockstar:

"One of the problems with the 360, and it affects games like Grand Theft Auto if you think about how much content we put in the actual machine, is the fact that they don't have a significantly larger storage medium than the previous systems. It's a slightly bigger DVD disc," Houser told 1up.

The hard drive issue is also another problem Rockstar sees with the Xbox 360, as not every Xbox 360 has a hard drive, which makes it very hard for Rockstar to implement HDD features into the X360 game. Continuing on the subject of limited disc space, Houser states, "the 360 is going to have to get 'round this issue we're talking about...hopefully, they're going to adopt one of those in the next year or so, because it's going to become more of an issue. If we're filling up the disc right now, where are we going? It's not like our games are going to get any smaller."


In the end mate, I'm sure either console will do you fine...

Edited by illusionzzz
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Trish now I have no idea :innocent: why you would have to do that hahahah

Dropping the C bomb is a little to much for some people :P

The F Word.. Well Gordon made that popular lol

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