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Quality Speakers?


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I've got Boston Speakers in my car, they are freakin awesome but also expensive, I also like Alpine speakers, just what I have used in the past

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I've had Alpine in the past and really liked them.. You'll get the best outta them if the're amplified... BTW if you end up gettin Alpine, get the Type-r range of speakers, good quality at a reasonable price...

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I use MB Quart and they are awesome.. abit pricey but you can import some off ebay pretty cheap, off a seller called indoaudio.

JL Audio's are also pretty good, decently priced too.

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I use MB Quart and they are awesome.. abit pricey but you can import some off ebay pretty cheap, off a seller called indoaudio.

JL Audio's are also pretty good, decently priced too.

If you want serious quality go the MB quartz they are great but on loudness they are a bit lacking so if you want the whole street to hear you coming home maybe not for you. they pump out 70wrms which is very loud inside the car. They also fit it straight in. But if you want value for money power go the alpine type -r 100wrms for about $250. I had them in my monaro and they were bloody loud but I thought they lacked the midrange that you need to really enjoy the music and you had to crank them to really enjoy it which is fun but not sustainable I`m talking somewhere 95db (and you lose the sound of your car). now I`ve got the MB quartz they cost me $400, so still relatively cheap as far as quality splits go. so it depends if you want other people to hear your music from the next street over or if you want enjoy the music whilst your in you car. also if you go to a few shops and listen to their speakers you find that a better quality speaker whilst not sounding as loud, actually sounds more powerful because of the sound quality.

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Stockxr -

Mate Speakers are a very personal thing... Almost like asking someone that type of water they prefer to drink!

Best thing to do is go into a good car audio store - have a budget in mind and work around that... They might try to show u and talk u into a better speaker with a better brand and specs, but I bet they cost more then you budget, then the question is where to stop??

So make sure you have a budget - if $$$ is not an issue then look at a $5K set of 3way focal 7's... mate there isnt much better in my mind... but again its personal and it might not suit what your ears and tast in music likes....

Keep in mind the cheaper not so accurate speakers in a sound/speaker board will normally be on the top of the board or to the out side of a big board (wide)...

The guys above have all recommended some good brands and here is a bit of a run down in rough price rangers...

+ $1500: Focal, MB, Seas, Dynaudio, Morel, McIntosh, and many many more.

$500 - $1500: Alpine, MB, JL Audio, Infinity, Polk, Boston, Rockford, Focal, etc.

$500 +: Pioneer, Clarion, JL Audio, Alpine, even Jaycar Car Audio Gear....

For a sub 500$ speaker - my pick is and have been for a number of years now - Pioneer's E Series (Splits for the front and 2 way 6" for the back)...

Specs are one thing, however mean nothing if you are like many enthusiasts and find speakers like Dynaudio extremely well balanced, accurate, however a little boring... Yet Rockford in many cases is 'in your face'. Alpine can sometimes be seen to lack in accuracy when listening to some types of music... etc.. I could go on and on and on...

Keep in mind that if you head into the higher end gear its worth looking at a new amp (if you have the premium sound), if not and you have the stock HU/ICC then look to get someone to install a amp for you (if u dont know how to do it urself).

The stock amp in the premium sound setup is not a bad amp - Japan made Sanyo - funny enough not a bad little amp...

If you are going to try and have everyone out side the car hear what you listen to then I can understand why you might want rears, but if its typically just you and maybe your partner in the front of the car, then spend more money on front speakers and forget about the rears.... all the will do is have a rear 'fill' purpose...

Again its all personal preference, forget about dollars and brand and just listen, your ears will tell u what to buy and whats best for YOU!

Sound padding is always worth while - again if your going to listen to high levels of volume, or really low levels... bit of a catch 20/20 thing... only use it if u want to spend the money...

PM me if you want more detail or help with all of this...


FYI - some of the cheapest speakers (and drivers) in the world sound better then a $30K speaker to some people, and no the people picking the cheap speakers are not def or stupid, its just a personal preference!

Currently Im looking at a set of Focal's for the front 3 way, set of Pioneer E series rear for back fill, Focal amps, and just trying to find the ideal sub - looking at a focal at the moment also... might end up saving some money and go back to a JL... Again all personal!




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like others have said, judge a speaker with your ears and wallet and you'll find what you want.. but dont listen to ultra exxy ones 1st or everything else will sound like pus mwahaha..

if your in perth ive got a mate at JB's who can hook ya up with some good prices etc

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Very true. Speaker choice is personal, but there's always room for education. In my opinion, Focal are over rated and over priced. I didn't like the Alpine range of speakers, they where pox. The MB Quart sounded very decent in one install I auditioned. Cant remember the model but front splits and around $500. I have always liked Pioneer and still do. My cousin has some 5x7 Rockfords he got for about $200 and I'm am blown away at how good they sound for the price. Definitely dynomat your doors as this will bridge the mid-bass gap between your cabin speakers and subwoofer. Best place for subby is in the hump behind the back seat facing toward the back of the boot and hook it up out of phase. That will bring the bottom end into the cabin. The sub frequencies will not seem so directional that way.

I went for the Polk SR6500. Retail for $1400 but you can get them way cheaper. They are awesome. The tweeters on these things are clean, natural, accurate and very detailed. Like the others say, get out there and listen. Persoanlly, I think you need a month or 2 of auditioning to see what you like and compare...have fun.

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Focal overated and overpriced - I haven't heard anything better than KP2 for under a grand and their cheaper V series are right up there.

Anyhoo, listened to some very nice MB-Quarts and Dynaudio splits today and the MB's were brilliant for $599, clear but nice depth and tweeters weren't shrill. The Rockford Fosgate's were horrible and the Boston Acoustics a bit bright, but still nice.

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